Update: Friday On Young Dreams (Episode 166-168)

Gunjan tells Seema and Sangeetha never to give anybody thesame pain they gave her. Gunjan then tells Seema she completely accepted Seema as her mother but Seema blamed her for so many things. Gunjan then asks her why Seema hates her so much, what did Gunjan take from her and what was her mistake. Gunjan then says by tomorrow Seema and Sangeetha will forget this but she will never forget this even if she tries. Gunjan then tells Seema she got what she wanted, Charu as her daughter-in-lawand there is no better life partner for Mayank than Charu.

Gunjan then tells Seema and Sangeetha that they love Charu a lot and Charu loves Mayank a lot and will be able to keep him happy.Gunjan then says she doesn’t want to come between anyone's happiness and her place is somewhere else. Then, Gunjan leaves. Shail then stops Gunjan and says she won’t let Gunjan leave so easily. Shail says what Gunjan did was wrong. Gunjan tells her what she did was for herself and after giving it a lot of thought. Shail says how can this decision be correct when it doesn’t involve her happiness. Gunjan tells her she doesn’t want to talk about this now and leaves. Shail follows her. Mayank just watches looking sad and teary eyed. Shail tells Gunjan to stop and she doesn’t agree with Gunjan’s decision at all. Dayal tells Rachana to tellShail that it’s time for the bidai.

Rachana says yes and tells Shail that Dayal is calling everyone for the bidai and she will go with Gunjan. Vihaan offers to take them both home and Shail apologizes to Savitri for what happened. Savitri says itsokay and just hopes to god that this has no effect on Vihaan and Rachana’s relationship. Savitri says today has just been too much drama and says they should leave. Prabhu tells Seema it’s time for bidai.Seema is persistent to leave in the new car. Prabhu says theydon’t want the car. Charu then complains to her mother that she is tired and wants to go in the new car. Finally, Prabhu agrees. During the bidai, Charu pretends to cry and be sad. Mayank is annoyed and walks away but Prabhu tells him there has been enough drama for the day and to realise his responsibilities. The bidai ceremony takes place as some Kal ho naa ho song plays in the background and Mayank thinks of Gunjan. Shail is sad and thinks about Gunjan.Gunjan is looking sad and Rachana comes to console her butGunjan tells her to leave her alone for a while. Rachana leaves and Gunjan takes the photo of her mother and hugs it.

Gunjan starts thinking of her and Mayank. In front of the house the welcoming rituals are being done and Mayank angrily tells Seema what else is to be done. She tells him to wait and calls out to Pihu to do the aarti. Pihu asks Mayank for a token before doing the aarti and Mayank tells her the wedding is over and to let him go. Seema gives Pihu a gold bangle. Sangeetha tells Bua it would be better if Shail did the aarti. Bua signals to Shail to do it. Shail takes the aarti platterheavyhearted. Shail does the aarti and but imagines Gunjan as the bride and everyone are smiling. She tells Gunjan to knock the pot of rice with her foot and put her feet in the platter with red dye. Then she is startled from her dream andsees Charu doing it. Pihu calls Charu sister-in-law and says there’s a lot more rituals to do.Charu asks Pihu why is she calling her sister-in-law and she’s 5 years younger to Pihu and should be called by her name Charu which is a nice name. Sangeetha nudges Charu and she angrily refers to Sangeetha as chachi and asks her why she nudged her. Charu tells Sangeetha she’s calling her right as she’s her chachi saas. Seema tells Charu there’s the face showing ceremony and she’ll get everyone’s blessings. Mayank angrily walks off.

Gunjan is packing her things. Gunjan is irritated by the noise from the ceremony going on. The ladies see Charu’s face and say she beautiful . Charu looks at the money they gave and tells Sangeetha they’re stingy. Shail thinks she hasn’t seen Gunjan and goes to see if she’s alright. Seema angrily curses that Shail is worried about no one but Gunjan. Gunjan is clearing the things from the room and Shail comes and sees her packing.Shail asks Gunjan where she’s going and Gunjan says there’s no point of her staying anymore and to let her go. Shail asks Gunjan why did she prevent her dream from coming true.

Shail says she really wanted to see Gunjan and Mayank together. She says why did Gunjan spoil it. Gunjan says she did not sacrifice and whatever she did was for her self-respect. Gunjan tells Shail that she said that for a girl herself respect is important. She says Mayank and her don’t respect each other. Gunjan says only she knows what she’s going through. She says Mayank never listened to her and if he did then he never believed her. She apologizes to Shail forhurting her and Shail says there’s no need to apologize as its not her fault. Shail tells Gunjan she doesn’t need to leave andno mother will let her daughter leave. Shail says she’ll never let her go anywhere. The ladies are talking saying that Mayank must not be happy with the wedding as he’s not withCharu during ceremony. 

Seema and Sangeetha overhear andtry to say that Mayank is shy and that’s the reason he’s not there and they’ll get him. Mayank is in his room and thinks about what Gunjan said at the wedding to Shail.He angrily pulls the decoration from the bed. Mayank says he’ll never forgive Gunjan as she took the wrong decision of his life. Seema and Sangeetha come to Mayank’s room and see what he did and asks him to come out as people are waiting. Mayank tells them to say he’s not coming and that his life is ruined and shattered and its all because of his mother. Seema tells him to shout loudly so that the people outside can hear as well as Shail has already insulted her. Dayal and Prabhu come into the room and Seema tells Dayal she had been humiliated at the wedding. Prabhu says she started all of this and Seema says she did it for her son’s happiness and every mother would.

Seema says Shail made them lose their respect. Dayal requests Mayank to go and complete the rituals so they can be at peace. Pihu is preparing the plate with milk and flowers and puts the ring in and tells Mayank and Charu to find the ring to determine whowill dominate whom. Charu starts holding Mayank’s hand and he angrily pulls away. Charu eventually finds the ring and is very happy. Pihu tells Mayank that Charu would dominate him for the rest of his life.Shail comes in the room and applies some ointment on her forehead. Dayal angrily confronts Shail about what happenedat the wedding. Shail says she supported the truth. She says everyone should know the truth. Shail says Gunjan was innocent and why should she suffer due to someone’s scheming. Dayal says just to be a good aunt she forsake her other relationships.

Shail tells Dayal he took the responsibility of the taking care of the expenses of her engagement and wedding because he considers Gunjan as his daughter too. Shail says then how can Gunjan be a stranger and that she and Mayank would have been happy together. Dayal asks Shail does all the other relationships notmatter to her. Shail says if it didn’t matter she wouldn’t have taken part in the wedding. Seema and Sangeetha are eavesdropping at the door and are happy to hear Dayal scoldShail. Seema tells Sangeetha that Mayank is angry and Sangeetha says Charu will handle him. Pihu tells Mayank to forget the past and start a new. Mayank tells Charu she’s nothis friend. Charu says she’s his life long friend. Mayank says if she was then she would not have agreed to Gunjan but to tell him the truth. Charu says love is blind and she got persuaded by Gunjan. Charu tells Mayank she really loves him and that they are a happily married couple and hugs Mayank.

Mayank pushes her away. He tells her he doesn’t know if they will be happy and the state he’s in he’ll be unableto keep her happy. Mayank takes a pillow puts it on the couch and leaves.Charu is angry with Gunjan and says that she’ll make her life a living hell and the more Mayank distances himself from herthe more she’ll torture Gunjan. Gunjan gets ready and prays to God asking to give her strength to go through this phase and to support and help her. She then puts on a happy face and smiles and goes to wake up Rachana. She then goes to the kitchen and talks to Shail happily. Shail thinks that Gunjanhas so much strength to move and wants to move on in life. Gunjan helps Shail pack the food. Seema comes to the kitchen looking for cups for the tea. Shail tells her she made tea. Seema tells her not to pretend to be nice as she wouldn’t have made a scene on the wedding day.

Shail tells Gunjan to serve the tea and Seema says not to forget that Charu is also in this house now.Shail gives Gunjan a tray of tea cups to serve all and Seema reminds her that Charu is also a part of the house. Shail scolds Seema that its more than enough. Gunjan says to Shail that its okay if she is giving to all will give to Chaaru also. Gunjan goes to Charu’s room to give her tea, Charu tries being jealous or her through her words. Gunjan says that she has to go to the college and asks her to take the tray.Sangeeta and Seema are excited to open the gifts box brought by Charu with her. Prabhu gives a gift to Shail that its from Charu’s house. Shail refuses to take it. Seema goes to Prabhu and scolds him and takes the gift back, Sangeeta follows her. Prabhu tells them that he is going to Charu’s house to return the car but Seema got up angry and says it’s a gift for Mayank not yours. Mayank comes and says that he doesn’t want the car. Seema and Sangeeta tries to stop him but Mayank says why have they taken this car. Meanwhile Charu says that my father had given the car for Mayank’s comfort. Prabhu says that all have to live in this house accordingly. Dayal also agrees with Prabhu and says that he had already agreed with Chaaru’s father to take back the car.Seema blames Gunjan and Shail for this but Chaaru says thatshe will get back the car its her promise.

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