Update: Tuesday On Twist Of Fate (Episode 318-319)

Dadi says she wants her grandchild, but from Abhi’s wife, not from a second woman. Tanu’s mum asks Dadi to mind her language. Dasi tells Tanu’s mum she’s taking her side as if she’s done some great work. She kept relationship with a married man and they know what such relationship is called. Tanu’s dad asks her to think twice before saying. She might have to regret later on. What she is calling illegitimate is legitimate. Abhi and Tanu have always been loving each other. He married Pragya later. Dadi asks Abhi if that is true. Abhi says yes, they used to love before his marriage. But whatever he did, he didn’t do it purposely. He was intoxicated and situation was such. He doesn’t do such thing with any girl otherwise. It’s true that he used to love Tanu and he wanted to marry her. When Dadi chose Pragya, he went to her, but she chose her career. Tanu says this is getting worse. Her truth will come out like this.

Tanu’s mum asks her whether Abhi is right. She says yes but Abhi told her that he will divorce Pragya and marry her. Aaliya interrupts and says she also went to her, but Tanu said her same. Dadi tells Aaliya she can’t hide Abhi’s mistake. He kept relationship with Tanu despite being married and that is his biggest mistake. He can hide his mistake, but how he will hide this child. She tells Abhi whether intoxicated or no, he was her grandson even then and how did he forget values that she gave? He forgot that so now he should forget her as well and think she’s dead like his parents. She further says, Pragya always supports him, her heart can be big, she can forgive him, but not her (Dadi). Abhi says please..Dadi says she doesn’t want to listen anything. He did a mistake and now he will get punished. Aaliya smiles.

Dadi continues, he threw Aaliya out of the house. His mistake is even bigger, hence his punishment will be bigger too. He won’t show his face to her, he will have to leave the house. All are shocked. Abhi says don’t say that. He can’t live without her. Dadi says she has made her decision. If he doesn’t want to leave the house as it’s his, then she will leave. They can’t live together. Aaliya says in her mind, well done Dadi. This is some justice. Abhi says, he made house, but she has made this family. They need her. He will leave the house. Aaliya smiles. Pragya is shocked. He says sorry to Dadi. Dadi turns her face. Abhi is walking away. Pragya looks at him and says stop. She says that she came to that house being his wife. If he leaves, then she will leave too. Dadi asks her she will support wrong now? Pragya says she’s just supporting her husband. Her house is where her husband house is. If he leaves this house, then she will leave too. Dadi says fine! She can go as well, but for her, person who supports wrong is even more wrong. She wants to leave, then she will have to break all relationships with her inlaws and then go. All look on with shock. Mitali says Dadi has stunned everyone. Dadi tells Pragya, along with Abhi, she should not show her face to her as well. Forget that house and she will also forget that Pragya ever came to that house. Aaliya’s smile gets bigger. Dadi sadly leaves. Abhi also goes to his room.

Tanu tells her parents to go home as well. Aaliya says finally she is relieved. It can’t get better than this. If Abhi is not there, then she can do all she wants. Tanu takes Aaliya to her room and asks why she didn’t let her tell the truth. Had she told the truth, all would be thinking good for her. Now God knows what they would be thinking. Aaliya says let them think what they want. Why she doesn’t think before speaking. If she tells everything to Dadi, then along with Abhi, she will throw them all out of the house. Had Dadi found out all, then she would feel bad for Pragya and love her even more. Tanu is brainwashed and says she didn’t think about it. Aaliya tells it’s the first rule, if something bad happens to you, then let it be, but never let your enemy benefit. Tanu thanks her and says she’s really good friend. She tells her to stop Dadi as well from throwing Abhi out of the house. Aaliya says let her do what she wants. For them it’s just a mistake, but for Dadi it’s a betrayal and she can’t see anyone playing with any relationship. Tanu says she will talk to Dadi. Aaliya tries to stop, but Tanu doesn’t listen and leaves. Aaliya thinks Dadi won’t keep hating Abhi for life and Abhi can easily get another house with his money. This way her enemies won’t get punished. She wants to see him defeated. This will only happen when all his fame, money go away. She can’t do this alone. She will need help from someone who is also Abhi’s enemy just like her. She thinks of someone and decides to meet him up tomorrow. She says Abhi took away her love from her, now she will take away every single thing of his.

Tanu comes to Dadi. She says this is not done. How she can throw Abhi out. She knows she shouldn’t talk in this matter, but wrong is wrong. Instead celebrating for her grandchild, she is throwing Abhi out of the house? It’s still not late. Happiness is infront of her. Accept her, stop Abhi, and everything will be fine. Dasi says what happiness she will give..she took all their happiness away. Dadi tells Tanu it’s because of her Abhi has to leave the house. Mistake is mistake whether intoxicated or no and she is punishing him for that mistake. Dasi says they accepted Aaliya because she’s daughter of that house, but no one has accepted Tanu or her child. She asks if she will pack her bags and leave on her own, or should she throw her out? Tanu says they will throw her out? Dasi says yes. Tanu says fine, but that won’t change the truth that she’s going to become mother of Abhi’s child. It’s good that they are throwing Abhi out. Now she will prove him that no one loves him more than her, not even his family. She will support him and they shouldn’t come for child when they get married. They may forget everything and forgive Abhi, but she will never forgive this day. She will take her revenge at that time. No matter how much they beg, she won’t give Abhi or his child. They should now forget that they had any grandson. Whatever Abhi has earned is his and Abhi should get his right. She will go to court and take all away from them that’s Abhi’s. She leaves. Dadi is little worried.

Abhi is packing his bag. Pragya comes and asks what he’s doing. Dadi loves him a lot. She is just angry. He should not take her seriously. He can say sorry but not leave her alone. Abhi says no one knows Dadi more than him. He hasn’t seen her hurt like this ever before. He doesn’t want to hurt her more. Pragya asks him where he will go? He tells her not to worry about that. He will manage. She says she will also go with him. Abhi says she won’t go anywhere. He knows he has no right on her, but he’s requesting as a friend to stay there with Dadi for few days. He is worried who will take care of Dadi in his absence. It’s only her who can take care of her. If she is with Dadi, then he will think he’s with her. He requests her to stay with Dadi for few days. Pragya asks him why he doesn’t understand. She also needs him. Abhi looks at her. She says family needs him. If he leaves, then everything will collapse. Abhi says he knows all will feel bad, but they will get used to living without him. He deserves punishment for what he has done.

Pragya crying and blaming herself as Dadi read the report. Abhi says you did a mistake, but it was for good. He says he will win Dadi’s trust and love, but he needs to serve his punishment for this. He asks her to stay at home for him. Hamari Adhuri Kahani plays…………..Abhi packs his bag while Pragya looks on tensed.

Sarla calls Bulbul asking her to come soon. Jhanki asks what to cook in the evening? Sarla looks on tensedly. Beeji asks what happened? Sarla says nothing. She says she is feeling as if something bad has happened or something wrong will happen. She asks all will be good naa. Beeji says there is something wrong with your mind. She says she will call Pragya and get her scolded by her. Sarla asks her not to call Pragya and says she is smiling. Beeji asks her to inform Jhanki about the things to prepare for dinner.

Pragya asks Abhi to think again, as others will be hurt seeing him being punished. Abhi keeps his hand on her mouth and says he can’t do this. Hamari Adhuri plays……Pragya stops him and says she will convince Dadi to stop his punishment. Abhi stares her emotional. Pragya looks at him with longing eyes.

Dadi cries and says happiness is going far from her home. She says it is my mistake, I didn’t take care of Abhi. Pragya comes requesting Dadi not to throw Abhi out of house. She asks her to stop Abhi from going out. She says when Abhi was throwing Aaliya out, you said she is daughter of this house. She says Abhi is son of this house, so please don’t let him go. Dadi says my decision is final and asks Pragya to go as well if she wants to. Pragya asks how can you be so stone hearted. She says you forgave his mistakes all the way long, then why can’t today. Abhi tries to enter the room, but Dadi stops him and says he don’t deserve this right.

Abhi keeps his bag and apologizes to Taya ji and Tayi ji. Taya ji hugs him and says you are a good son. Akash hugs him. Abhi says I was your idol, but. Akash says you are my idol always, irrespective of Dadi’s thinking. Abhi asks Mitali to give love to Bunty and Babli, and says he couldn’t become good chacha. Mitali says you are good chacha. Abhi says I don’t deserve love of you all and should get big punishment than this. He asks everyone to take care of Dadi. He says he will never forgive himself if Dadi doesn’t take care of herself. Taya ji says Dadi’s anger will go in some days and then they will stay together. Abhi says I will leave and starts walking towards the door.

Abhi talks to Aaliya and says he couldn’t become good at relations. He says he became rockstar, but failed in every relation. He says he has fallen in everyone eyes and don’t have any right to punish her. He says I know you will not forgive me and you shouldn’t. He starts walking again, but Pragya calls him to stop. She runs to him and hugs from back. Abhi closes his eyes while Pragya cries badly. Kaisa Yeh Ishq Hai plays…………..Abhi turns and hugs her cryingly.

Dasi comes and looks at them. Abhi separates the hug and looks at her. Pragya tries to speak up, but he puts finger on his mouth. Pragya looks on emotionally and cries. Abhi picks his bag and leaves. Pragya sits down shockingly and devastated. Dadi comes, sees him leaving and goes to her room.

Abhi is walking on the road and recalls his moments with Dadi. A flashback is shown, Abhi surprises Dadi and takes her to their home. Dadi asks if this is studio? Abhi says he has brought new big house for her. He asks are you happy Dadi? He gives her keys and says you are owner of this house. Dadi says you are owner. Abhi says you are my everything and gives her keys asking him to throw him of he does any mistake. Dadi says she will never let him go far from her. FB ends. Abhi sits down tensedly. 

Tanu coming to Abhi and asking him to come with her. Abhi asks her to leave him alone. Tanu asks him not to worry about the family who have disowned him. She sits beside him. Some goons come there. Abhi tries to fight with them, but Tanu stops him and takes him in her car. Pragya holds Abhi’s guitar and cries. Khushbo Se Yun Teri …..hamari Adhuri Kahani plays…………….while Pragya reminiscence her moments with Abhi. Dadi thinks she has to see if Pragya is fine. Pragya thinks Abhi asked her to take care of Abhi and starts walking towards her room. Dadi gets up and walks straight to Abhi’s room. Pragya sees her and thinks where she is going at this time? She comes to her room and looks at Dadi’s emotional side.

Pragya tells Dadi that I told you clearly that you will cry the most remembering Abhi. She says Abhi is not here to see your love. Dadi says you are seeing my anger, but not my helplessness. You have to become mum from a wife to understand my helplessness. She says a mum gets happy seeing her child’s progress and if her son do anything wrong, then his mum gets scared. She says that fear makes a mum punish her son, so that he don’t repeat his mistake. She asks her to tell from her point of view, if it is right for Abhi to make relation with other woman. She says you can’t see this if this happens to others, but now keeping quiet as it has happened with you. She says I didn’t do any mistake by punishing Abhi.

Tanu takes the advantage of the situation and brings him to her flat. She says she will change the decorations else shift to other flat. She says we will work hard and build a big house. we shall get married and stay away from your family. We will take care of our baby together. Abhi is silent. Tanu asks aren’t you happy? She asks him to talk. Abhi asks her to shut up and says he don’t want to talk to her. Tanu says I was saying all this intentionally to change your mood. She says your Dadi kicked you out of your house in one moment and asks him to forget Dadi. Abhi asks her to stop it and says he can’t hear anything against Dadi. He says he came here because of Pragya as she wants him to take care of his responsibility. He says I shall sleep now. Tanu thinks Pragya has changed him so much, but she will change her Abhi with love.

Doctor comes and checks Dadi. Pragya asks Akash what has happened to Dadi. Akash says Dadi is punishing herself and asks her to return the happiness of the house. He asks her to do something and goes to attend the meeting.

Aaliya meets Raj in jail and says whatever have happened with you is wrong. You are paying for someone’s doings and says she has decided to free him from here. Raj asks him to talk straight. Aaliya says she wants to take revenge from her enemy Abhishek Mehra and says he is your enemy too. He has snatched my happiness and taught me a lesson. She says he has hurt me and needs to be hurt too. She asks if Raj will help her in revenge. Raj says timing is right and says he has decided to change his statement. He says he will take revenge from the person who trapped him. He says you came here to help me. He will agree to help her in taking revenge. He says he will do all the bad things to get money and fame. He says he is disowning every relation and will work for money only. They shake hands and strike a partnership for crime.

Abhi comes to office and asks to send Akash. His employee says he didn’t come till now. Abhi asks about Purab? His employee says Purab is out of station for some project. Akash comes and greets Abhi. Abhi asks why he came late? Akash tells that he brought medicines for Dadi and got her check up done. He says Dadi’s health is deteriorating. Abhi gets concerned.

Pragya takes care of Dadi and make her have food. Mitali thinks Dadi takes their service. Abhi rushes there and scolds them for not been able to take care of Dadi. Dadi asks him to leave. Abhi says he will not leave until she gets fine. He asks robin to bring tray and says Dadi can beat him with scale, but he will not leave the house.

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