Update: Tuesday On Twist Of Fate (Episode 348-349)

Tanu asking Aaliya to call that woman. Aaliya asks her to have patience. Tanu says one day she will become patient. She says we shall inform Raj. Aaliya says no and says we will not inform him. Bulbul tells Pragya that she will leave now and asks her to message. Sarla is going from there after buying vegetables, but didn’t see them together. Dadi asks Pragya not to call or message her as Dasi is always with her. They laugh. Pragya hugs Bulbul twice and says she misses Sarla. Pragya and Dadi leaves. Sarla turns and sees Bulbul waving bye. She scolds her and asks to come. Purab praises Abhi’s song and says it is good. Abhi says he has composed bad song for her, and says it is his choice to sing the song. He sees Payal with Ronnie and threatens to fire from the job. Payal apologizes to him. He asks where is Pragya? Ronnie says she went out. He says I will do whatever Didi says. Abhi thinks he heard this line somewhere. Purab says he has changed the line. Abhi asks him to go. Aaliya and Tanu come there. Purab says Abhi made scratch music and we are going for party. Tanu insists to hear his music. Abhi asks her to come.

Mitali tells Raj that she is fasting. Raj says this is not possible. Mitali says she is fasting as Rita Maa asked her to keep fast. Raj says Rita Maa is depended on you for money and asks what did you give her. Mitali says 3000 Rs. He leaves. Mitali thinks she will get her fruit and then she will make Aaliya and Tanu believe her. Pragya calls Aaliya again, with a changed voice. Aaliya accepts the deal with a condition, and says my name should not come infront of anyone. Pragya asks her not to take tension. Aaliya asks for advance. Pragya says okay, she will send someone with money. She tells Dadi that Aaliya is trapped. Dadi asks her to be careful and not make any mistake. Pragya goes to arrange the money. Tanu gets happy and says we will get 10 crores rupees. Aaliya asks Tanu to bring money and she will get scratch music. Tanu thinks if Pragya comes there, she will slap her hard. She tells Aaliya that she will get the money and asks her to steal scratch music CD. Aaliya agrees.

Abhi thinks to keep his music at safest place. Aaliya comes and asks him to give CD so that she takes it to office. Abhi says okay and gives music CD in her hand. Pragya comes and says this music will be processed when I hears it. She plays the recording and wears the headphone. Abhi asks how dare you to judge my music, without knowing anything about my music. She says not bad, and asks Aaliya to take care of her property. Abhi says you don’t know anything about Saregama and acting as you knows it. Pragya says it is her property. She thinks she wanted to hear his song. She thinks she won’t separate him with his music and can’t hurt him. Tanu brings the money, and gets happy. She asks Aaliya to fix meeting with that woman and gives her scratch. Aaliya says Pragya gave this CD to her and will ask in the morning. She says we can’t spend the money until this deal is done.

Pragya asks Abhi, don’t you want to sleep? She asks what you were doing? Abhi says I thought I got my fuggi back at one point, and asks what you will do with this money? Pragya says there is so much to do, I will buy big cars, will go on a world tour……..etc. Allah Wariyan plays…………Abhi says you could have done this being with me….Pragya gets emotional as he holds her hand. 

Abhi asking Pragya to go and sleep, as she has to exercise in the morning. He thinks Pragya will become fool in the morning. In the morning, Abhi do the exercises and wakes her up. He provokes her to do exercise. Pragya says you are jealous of me. Abhi asks her to do exercise again and lift the dumb bells. Pragya asks if you are challenging wrong. Abhi asks her to be careful. Pragya asks him to just wait and watch. Abhi thinks Payal has changed the fake dumb bells with heavy dumb bells. She sees Abhi staring her with a surprise and thinks he is giving same reaction. Abhi wonders how can she lift heavy 20 kgs dumb bells and takes it forcibly. He sees it is light weight and says I asked to keep heavy dumb bells. Pragya says what would have happen if my hand have break. Abhi
says he wanted that, and says you must have put camera in the room. Pragya says no, and says you tried to make me hurt physically. They argue. Pragya says I didn’t change the dumb bells. Abhi says you did. Pragya says I did not. Ronnie comes and says I changed it. Pragya doubles his salary and appreciates him. Abhi gets angry. Ronnie blackmails him and says he will tell about his yesterday talk. Pragya asks what did he say? Ronnie says he wanted me to come to his side. Pragya says you wanted to buy my MLA. Ronnie says PA. Abhi says offer is still on and says Jago Grahak Jago….Wake up customers. Ronnie assures Pragya that he will not leave his support. Pragya thanks him.

Aaliya comes to the office and thinks she will replace CD. She tells his employee that she is keeping scratch CD in her cabin. Pragya talks to Bulbul and says her plan is full proof. Abhi hears her talking. Pragya says she has laid trap and will expose her. Abhi thinks she is talking about him and takes the call. He tells Pragya will not succeed and gives the phone back. Pragya tells bye to Bulbul and disconnects the call. Aaliya wonders what to do, shall she kept CD there itself or take it home. Pragya sees her in cabin. She calls and asks for scratch music. Aaliya says she will give as promised. She thinks to keep the CD with herself and sells it to the producer. Pragya comes there and looks at the CD. She says it is my property, how can you be so careless? Aaliya asks her to keep it. Pragya says she will stay out of it as Abhi would get upset. She asks her to keep it safe and think it as most precious thing in the world.

Bulbul gets upset with Purab for coming late. He asks with whom you were talking to and doubts her. Bulbul asks are you doubting me? Purab says I was just joking and says he has informed Sarla that he will come late. He says I trust my Bulbul very much and she can’t break our trust. Aaliya comes to office in the night and breaks glass mistakenly. She then thinks guard is old and will not catch her. She sees guard waking up and drinking water. The guard leaves. Aaliya thinks her work is done.

Abhi thinks that he was served bread instead of Pizza and asks bread to smile as it is going in Rockstar’s stomach. Pragya comes with her food tray. Abhi says don’t you have shame as you are eating full tray food. Pragya says she didn’t stop him and asks to cook in the kitchen. Abhi thinks to eat her food and tells Ronnie called her. Pragya asks she will talk to him and asks Abhi not to look at her plate. Abhi eats her food. Pragya looks at him from outside and thinks she made food for him. She sees him eating and smiles happily.

Abhi eating food served in Pragya’s plate. Pragya comes back and says how can you eat my food.( the show resumed from Friday’s episode). Abhi says he has food and will sleep now. Tanu waits for Aaliya. Aaliya comes and says she is tired. Tanu asks why you didn’t call me? Aaliya says you are behaving like a typical housewife, and says she don’t need to tell her everything. She shows the CD and tells she has stolen scratch music of Abhi’s album. Tanu gets happy and apologizes to her. Pragya comes to office. Abhi thinks to make flop music. Pragya thinks she will make Abhi sings the best song so that his career stays on top. Abhi asks about his scratch music and looks for the CD. Pragya thinks Aaliya might have stolen CD yesterday and thinks to expose her. Aaliya
comes to office. Abhi asks where is the CD? Tanu thinks she will be trapped with her. Pragya asks how can you be so careless? Aaliya says I am same and not pretend like you. She says to Abhi that I will not play with your career, and life. I always think about you. She says I kept that CD at a safest place. Pragya thinks she has not stolen this CD. Abhi apologizes to her. Aaliya says I wish I would have say that I am not hurt. Abhi asks manager to give CD to Lab. He says it is not possible for few days. Abhi asks Aaliya to keep CD with herself.

Aaliya and Tanu are in the car. Aaliya tells her that she kept back the CD at its place, and says she got saved. Tanu says how will deal happen? Aaliya says they have to check the authencity of the producer. Abhi and Pragya are in the car. They argue. Abhi asks her to do as he does. He says my boss is rotten and shouts. Pragya asks him to get in the car and he falls on her lap. Allah Wariyan plays. Abhi asks driver to stop the car. Pragya refuses to give him money for the travelling. Abhi says he don’t need and have much money. He says he is going to Purab’s house.

Aaliya says let’s wait for that lady’s phone call. Ronnie comes and asks what they are doing here? He warns them and asks to cook food in the evening. Raj comes and says what they are planning? Aaliya says I am not planning anything. She says you are frustated as you can’t do anything to that Pragya. She asks him to concentrate on his work. Raj asks them to say what they are planning, and says as you sow so you reap. Tanu thinks everyone gives lectures to them.

Purab asks Abhi not to drink. Abhi says you are saying as I don’t have money. Purab says no and brings the wine. Abhi asks him to drink, but he says he can’t drink as he has promised Bulbul. Abhi says you have to drink with me. He says I feel light, and says fuggi was someone else. He says Pragya has same face as fuggi, but she didn’t have same emotions. He tells fuggi made him understand love, and says first fuggi left him, then his money and now his smiling.

Pragya meets Bulbul and Dadi, and tells that Aaliya is not trapped in the office. She says she didn’t steal scratch music. Bulbul says Aaliya is very smart, and asks Pragya to call her in the morning asking to give scratch music else they will get work done from other singer. Dadi says Bulbul is right and likes her idea.

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