Update: Friday On Reach For The Stars (Episode 249-251)

Ragahv comes there and says pakhi.. They are all shocked. Pakhi is scared that he has listened to their conversation. Raghav comes forward. He looks at pakhi and says you and Pakhi says I came to meet kamla maa. She holds Ragahv’s arm. He says you stopped by for me ? How sweet. You follow me everywhere. Ragahv says I just came to pick pakhi. kamla says kalpi wind up everything its late.

Pakhi says we should go to watch movie Ragahv. We are getting late lets go. She says bye kalpi and kamla maa. Kalpi I am leaving my car here take care of it. She says lets go Ragahv. They leave. Kamla says kalpi lets go home and wind up the café. She goes up. Kalpi sees a bouquet on chair. It has a card that says sorry for keeping you waiting . She says I knew you came to meet me Ragahv. Raghav has seen the flowers in her hands.

One the way Ragahv says to pakhi you are not well. Why did you go there. I don’t think we should go for movie. She says no I wanna go Ragahv. Pakhi says I felt so good by meting kalpi. Please don’t say no to movie. I have got the tickets too. Ragahv says okay. He gets a call from Sammy. He says yeah let me know when is the flight ? pakhi asks are you going somewhere abroad ? He says yes. Ragahv says in heart I have to meet kalpi once before I leave.

kalpi recalls the way pakhi threw money on her and slapped her. She recalls all that pakhi said. Kamla says I never knew pakhi will do this to you. Kamla says I am not hurt. I am happy that you took a stand for me. You fought for me. She was speechless in front of your love. Kamla says pakhi showed us our worth you have to reach those skies from where these people can’t point a finger at us. You have to be successful. Kalpi says I promise I will make you and baba proud. Vitthal comes and asks what are you talking about ? kamla says we were discussing the café. He says guess what I brought for café. He asks kamla to close her eyes. He has brought a murti. He says she will be a blessing for café and kalpi. He asks kalpi are you okay ? She nods he hugs them both.

Ragahv is asleep. He feels like kalpi has come to wake him. He says get up don’t you have to go to office. He holds her closer to him. He lies on her and kisses her. Kalpi gets up he holds her hand and says don't go kalpi you are not going anywhere. Its pakhi’s hand. He says I really love you kalpi. She gets so angry. She says I am pakhi Ragahv. He wakes up to the shock. He says I am sorry, I thought kalpi.. Pakhi says I have to keep him busy. Pakhi says you slept for so long. I will pack your bag. He asks where is my phone ? pakhi says its charging. She says in heart I will not let you meet kalpi Raghav.

kalpi and all the people do the pooja. Some people come in and start sending people out. They say this café has to be crushed. Who is the owner. kamla kalpi and everyone is shocked. Kalpi says we all are owner. The man says we have got a complaint against you Its illegal. Kamla says I can’t let you crush this café its our dream and pride. Our self respect is based on this. This is our livelihood and I will not let you take this. The man asks to bring the bulldozer. kamla says investigate on the complaint how can you do this ? You have not even given us the notification. We can go to court. He says oh you are warning an on duty officer. kalpi says you should give us notice what is your procedure ? He says this is our procedure. We will destroy this café.

The bulldozer is coming on their way. kalpi shouts ai take a side. kamla is standing still. The driver says leave or you will be dead. The bulldozer destroys some chairs. Kalpi shouts ai please leave from there. The driver says she is not moving from there all the ladies are shocked. Kalpi comes and moves kamla aside. She says they can kill you. The man says to driver start the bulldozer. He says no I won’t until the people move. Kamla says these people are doing illegal destruction. The man comes and says this is the 15 days notice to end this café or we will. Manda says kamla tai you are brave. kamla says think what will happen after 15 days. Kalpi says we have to figure out who complained. Kamla says God is with us nothing will happen to our café.

Everyone returns to the café. Kamla says thanks you God, you saved us. There is not much loss. She says now we all have to think how will we save our café. Manda says kamla tai we saved our café somehow today but we just have 15 days what will happen after that? Kamla says 15 days are enough we will find some solution to all this. Vitthal comes there and says I heard BMC people came and did all this. He says lets go pakiya. kamla says no they have given us the notice. Manda says I told you not to get involved in all this,  and kamla tai you insulted them. This won’t help us anyway. kamla says to kalpi whats written in this notice. Kalpi says Ajay sent it. He works with Raghav. kamla says that means Ragahv did all this ? No I can’t believe. Let’s go and talk to him.

They go to the office and find out that Raghav and Sammy are out of India. Kalpi says to the receptionist I wanna meet Ajey. Ajey calls pakhi and tells her that kalpi has come there. He says please save me Pakhi madam my job is endangered. kalpi and kamla listen to his conversation. Kalpi says do you even have clue what you were going to destroy. That café is the dream of so many people. You did so wrong. She leaves. kamla says kalpi I am going to meet pakhi, you should go home. kalpi says I will come with you, kamla says no I will go alone. You go and handle the café. Pakhi wonders why Ajay disconnected the phone.

The door bell rings. She opens the door, its kamla. pakhi is shocked to see her. kamla slaps her. pakhi says how dare you to slap me. kamla says its the same hand that fed you, that made you sleep and that swept your tears. Why you tried to shatter our dreams. she says I don’t want to talk to you. Pakhi is going in, Kamla shouts pakhi. She says you have to answer all my questions. I always asked to make a room in Raghav’s heart but you chose the wrong path. I will tell Raghav everything. Pakhi says you won’t tell him anything. Why you both mom and daughter consider him yours. Whether he agrees or not I am his wife. You can’t change that truth kamla maa. kamla says don’t call me maa.

Pakhi Kapoor, today I will tell him everything. kamla is about to go. kamla says Gauri tai is with you. pakhi says no I won her heart, I feel jealous when Ragahv thinks about kalpi. that’s why I did all this but its hurting me equally. kamla says pakhi you didn’t think for a moment that by doing this what troublesome are you creating for the people of chowl, me and kalpi. Pakhi pretends like she has not done all this deliberately. kamla says happiness is real when shared not by taking happiness away from others. She leaves.

Gauri comes downstairs and asks did someone come ? pakhi says yeah kamla maa came, she got to know who did this. Garui says how? Pakhi says yeah I was about to tell her everything in nervousness. Gauri says kamal is a very smart lady. You promised that you will help and I will not let kalpi and  Raghav marry. I will lose Raghav if she tells him everything. I have found him after ages. Kamla comes in and says I caught your lies that’s why I was standing out. Both pakhi and Gauri are shocked. kamla says I was always against my kalpi. I always thought she should stay away from Ragahv but truth is that you took his love. Your wedding is not a wedding as well. Marriage is not based on these tricks. kalpi’s sindur is truth. I feel ashamed that I called you my daughter. Now this is too much. Gauri says kamla try to understand. pakhi says you didn’t do me any favor by bringing me up. You got money for that. kamla slaps her so hard. She says vitthal was right about you rich people. I never listened to him but you opened my eyes. 

Pakhi says you better not call me a daughter I am not your daughter. You just pretend like I am your daughter. You gave kalpi dream did you see any dreams for me and how you forgot that I love Ragahv and I kept asking you to talk to Ragahv, but you helped kalpi. And if I have changed my way then you are the reason. I had to do this for myself. Did you even think about me ? Gauri wanted revenge and I wanted Ragahv. I am telling you this to let you know that I can do anything to save my wedding. kamla says why should I teach her Gauri tai you forgot about your son too in your revenge. You should be ashamed. Gauri says I didn’t do anything wrong. Nettu and sahil had to pay. Pakhi says I wanted my love and I am not wrong. Kamla says I will not let this continue anymore. I will make kalpi and Ragahv one. Their love will win in front of your eyes Ragahv has the right to know the truth and I will tell him the truth.

Kamla says to pakhi that Ragahv and kalpi will be one. Ragahv has the right to know the truth. I will tell him everything. Kamla leaves. Gauri tries to stop her but she doesn’t listen. Pakhi says what will happen now. Ragahv will go to office when he lands, Kamla will go there. Gauri says we have to stop Ragahv from meeting kamla.

kamla goes to the temple and cries. She says what has happened God. My pakhi wasn’t like this. I never differentiated between Pakhi and kalpi. I loved her even more than kalpi. Why is she doing this then ? She recalls whens he held pakhi for first time. And when she asked kalpi to give her pen to pakhi. When she saved pakhi instead of kalpi. kamla says for a mom her kids are the world. Today my world has shattered. She wipes away tears. She says I have suffered a lot and so has my family. I have always supported pakhi now I will be on the truths; side. I will be with my kalpi.

Gauri comes to pakhi and asks have you decided what to do ? What can you ? Pakhi says this is all because of you. You have to say all the things at the wrong time. Gauri says stop blaming me. pakhi says whats the point of fighting now. Call Raghav and ask him to come home directly. Gauri calls him and says Raghav come home when your flight lands. Don’t go to the office. He agrees. Gauri asks pakhi whats next ? pakhi says let me think we have to stop Ragahv from meeting kamla.

Kalpi comes to kamla at the temple and asks why are you crying ai ? Kamla hugs her and says pardon me daughter. Kamla says you, Raghav me we all have been deceived. You don’t know kalpi Ragahv’s wedding with pakhi was a trick played by Pakhi and Gauri tai. Kalpi is shocked. She says what are you saying ai ? Kamla tells her everything that happened at pakhi’s house. How she overheard pakhi and Gauri’s conversation. Kalpi says that means Ragahv is innocent. We all blamed him. Even baba tried to kill him and Ragahv is not wrong he has been deceived. Kamla says I am the culprit. I always gave your happiness to others. I tried to keep you and Raghav away. please forgive me. I do so wrong to you. kalpi says this is not your mistake. You were always with the truth. You became a victim of their plan too. kamla says we have to tell Raghav all the truth tomorrow.

Gauri says we have to get Raghav out of city. Raghav comes in and asks Gauri whats wrong ? Is everything okay ? She says nothing is right. I have got you after years and you don’t have time for me. Can’t you go somewhere out of city with me ? He says its not like that. I will definitely go. Sammy can handle the meeting. Let me go and refresh. Pakhi says lets go before kamla maa or kalpi come here. They pack their stuff. Ragahv says I am ready. He asks pakhi where is dadi ? She says I have informed her she will come there directly. They are about to leave but kamla comes there along with kalpi. Gauri and pakhi are scared.

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