Update: Wednesday On King Of Hearts (Episode 535-537)

Payal is happy to hear Roshni’s decision and gives her towel asking her to clean the house. Roshni asks are you blind? Can’t you see the house is clean? Shall I clean your face? Payal throws something and asks her to clean it. Roshni calls Sid and asks him to do something as Payal is torturing them. Sid asks her to calm down and wait for the right time.

Payal dismisses the servant and says Naina will cook food from today. She asks cook to give apron. She gives apron to Naina and asks her to give food by 8 pm. Roshni says she can’t bear Naina’s stress. Sid says she is misbehaving with old lady and gets angry. Payal tells Naina that she is going to spa and asks her to make fresh carrot juice. Roshni tells Sid that Payal is leaving. Sid says plan have started. Roshni says all the best. Naina looks at the apron and gets teary eyes.

Sid thinks so you will go to Thai’s spa and enjoy. Lets give you fun at Indian span. Payal is at the spa. Sid comes there and says everyone have to leave from here, as I have booked the entire spa. He asks Payal to get the hell out of here and asks who is she? Payal angrily asks who are you? Sid asks if you are losi Sharma’s dog. He says I have booked the entire spa and asks her to go. Payal wipes her face and shows it. Sid says oh you, he asks what did you see in me that you came running after me. Spa girl asks her to leave. Payal leaves. Sid asks her to clean the place. Spa girl tells that she will do. Sid says not needed and asks them to take a day off, and chill today. He rests on the chair and says Payal Walia.

Roshni sits at Neil’s side and checks his fever. She says Neil and goes out. Ria comes inside, sees him shivering and cries seeing his condition. She covers him with blanket and goes. Roshni sees Ria caring for Neil and is surprised.

Sid is looking for Roshni’s room window and thinks which is her window out of these two windows. He throws stone of a window. It turns out to be Payal’s room. She wakes up, peeps outside the window and thinks who is there? Sid hides seeing her and takes a sigh of relief. He thinks lucy will bark all night now. He throws stone on Roshni’s room window. Roshni comes out and hugs him. She says I am so happy, you don’t know what I saw today.

Sid says don’t know what you have seen and reminds of her words that she is married. Roshni says I got happy. She tells him that Ria came to room and covers blanket on Neil with love, and was teary eyes. Sid hugs her happily. Payal hears the voice and calls security. Sid and Roshni hides. Payal rests on her bed again.

Next morning, Mitul sees Payal coming and asks her to give installment of payment. Payal asks what is your value and asks her to get out of her way, and pushes her. Mitul falls down. Roshni helps her stand and goes. Mitul feels bad. Payal asks her employee if Mauve is in loss, she says it was profitable till yesterday.
Employee says legal notice is also issued and need money for the payout. Payal asks who have sued? Employee says Siddharth Khurana. Payal asks him to fix meeting with him. Sid calls Roshni and informs that Payal wants to meet him. Roshni thinks what you will do now.

Payal and her employee come to Sid’s house. Receptionist says he is busy, you can’t meet him. Payal sees Sid dancing with his secretaries and goes inside his cabin. She asks him to listen to her. Sid says you listen to me. He says you comes again and again, I told that I am not hiring jokers in my circus, and asks what magnetic powers he has which attracts her. He calls security. His secretary comes. Sid says I called security and asks her to go outside and play. He asks Security out to hold aunty’s hand and show her door.

Payal feels insulted and goes. Roshni is on video chat and asks him to send the girls out now. Sid asks girls to go, else his marriage will get in risked. Roshni teases him and says you are eating grapes. Sid says it is your turn now. Roshni says I don’t want to do this. Sid says we have no option. Roshni says okay, for you. Ranjeet comes to Mauve office. Mitul says not today. Ranjeet says how dare she to refuse us money, and asks her to give money. Payal calls security and asks them to clean her office. Security guards take him with her.

Payal insults Mitul badly and asks her to leave right now. Mitul goes cryingly. Roshni sees Ria staring at Neil. Neil says Ragini…salt is more in the food. Roshni says I spend hours in the kitchen for you, and says if you want to eat then eat else no. Neil doesn’t eat food. Ria feels bad and goes to kitchen. Roshni thinks this is the only way to bring out love from Ria’s heart and says sorry to Neil. Ria makes food and asks servant to give food to Neil. Neil eats food and asks Ragini, if you made it. Roshni says may be servant made it.

Neil says it is super tasty and eats it. Ria is happy. Payal comes home and sees Ria smiling. She asks what is the matter? Servant gives phone to Ria and says you forgot it in the kitchen. Payal thinks so this is the matter and reason for her happiness. She asks Servant to leave the job and gives broom to Mr. Sen Gupta. Roshni is shocked. Naina stops Servant and says I will sweep the floor. Payal says I have some other work for you. She asks her to massage her head. Roshni is angry and shocked.

Payal sits on sofa and asks Naina to massage her head. Servant asks Neil to dust the house. Neil says what nonsense? Ria feels bad. Roshni asks Neil what is his problem? She says we all are working, you can contribute else we will be on road. Neil says I don’t hope this from you. Roshni gives duster in his hand and asks him to do dusting. Ria feels bad and looks at Neil. Payal asks Ria to come to her and says it is not good to sit with servants. She asks Naina if she has no strength and asks her to massage well. Roshni thinks this plan is making Neil and Naina suffer.

Employee tells Payal that they have to meet Khurana somehow. Payal asks him to think. Just then they get a call from American magazine, a man tells her that he is interested to buy Mauve magazine. Payal asks him to send his representative and says we will think about it. Man turns and he is Raj. Sid praises his acting skills. Raj laughs and says I would have become actor. Sid laughs. Raj says you copies your dad. Employee says we will go to Khurana with this offer. Payal thinks when time is right, plan finds its way.

Sid, Roshni and Raj make plan against Payal. Just then they see Payal coming there. Roshni worries and says if she sees me here. Sid asks Raj to take Roshni from there. Mitul comes to Payal and apologizes. Payal asks her employee to ask her to leave. Payal walks inside Sid’s cabin. Sid asks if she got attracted to him like a magnet, and says you are 10 years aged to me and asks her to come later. He tells Raj that they seem to be like Chamku washing powder salesman. Employee says she has an offer for you. Sid insults her teasingly and asks what is that offer. Payal tells that American company is interested to buy Mauve. Sid and Raj laugh hearing that. He says I refuse and asks her to let him work. Raj says this is an American magazine and if they buy mauve then our investment will cover up. Sid says he just wants investment amount, as Mauve is in loss from top to bottom.

Raj asks him to rethink. Sid thinks and says this deal can’t be possible as my ex wife is still part of Mauve. He says if she is involved with Mauve then I don’t want to be part of it. He says if you owns company fully then I will agree. Payal says okay, work is done and goes. Raj asks Sid, why did he tell about 15 % share of Roshni. Sid says Payal will trust him if he badmouths about Roshni. He says they will unite Neil and Ria, and return Mauve to Neil once Payal sells that company to fake American company.

Roshni thanks Mitul for creating a scene in the office to stop Payal from seeing them. Mitul cries and says you have supported me when Payal kicked me out. She says my son is getting rotten in jail and cries. Sid comes and says your son came out on bail. Mitul repents for her doings and apologizes to everyone. Sid says we need your help. He asks her to go home and make Payal believe on her again. Mitul says she will not let me enter home. Sid says she will…and nods. Payal thinks she wants Roshni’s signatures on documents somehow.

Roshni comes. Payal says you have come. Roshni asks did you raised me to ask questions, don’t try to become my mum. Payal talks politely and says you want your freedom and asks her to give her 15 percent share to her. She orders her to sign. Roshni asks why to sign, so that you can take everything. She throws the papers. Payal threatens to throw her out of house. Roshni acts to cry like a child and says I am so scared. She says if I leave from this house, then you will not get your 15 percent. She refuses to sign. Payal says I will kick you out from here. Roshni goes to her room.

Mitul comes there, apologizes to Payal and asks her to let her stay in the house, and she is ready to do anything. Payal asks her to think. Mitul says yes. Payal gives her papers and asks her to take Ragini’s signatures on the papers and gives a medicine bottle. Later Mitul tells Roshni that she will mix this medicine in halwa and asks her to pick other bowl. Sid makes arrangements to make the place look like an American office. Bunty tells that he called junior artiste. Raj says everything will be fine naa. Sid says yes, as we are together.

Mitul adds medicine in the halwa, and shouts seeing insect in the halwa. Payal also shouts. Later Mitul comes to Roshni and asks her to eat halwa. Roshni says she don’t want to eat, but Mitul insists. Roshni takes it and eats. Payal looks on. Roshni eats the medicine halwa and gets inebriated, says she is feeling good and wants to dance. Mitul holds her. Roshni asks how did you come back home? She dances and sings song..Ria comes and looks at her. Neil looks on surprised. Roshni says Payal is a dayan and will eat everyone. Roshni tells Payal that she will talk to her face to face. She goes towards Payal angrily.

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