Update: Thursday On Hello Pratibha (Episode 86-88)

Pratibha runs to Mahen and hugs him tight. He asks her to stop trying. Peehu asks where he was, everyone asks what happened. Kaashi asks him to stop it, he is tired. Mahen says sorry, he will explain later as he is tired now.

In the room, Pratibha brings tea and holds Mahen’s hand keeping it on her head. She asks him not to leave home ever without telling her. He makes her sit besides him, Mahen says sorry, his phone was out of order, and meeting was urgent, he is sorry. Pratibha says she is happy he returned home safe, she promises she won’t argue with him again. He smiles and kisses her forehead. He asks to sleep as he is tired, Pratibha says he must first take food. She brings a plate for Mahen but he was asleep by then.

Pratibha takes Mahen’s shoes, she is shocked to see his injured feet. She puts on ointment on his feet, trying not to wake him up. As he turns, Pratibha watches a paper with temple’s logo on it. She wonders if Mahen went there. Mahen wakes up and says yes, he went there. He says he went there to pray so that nothing comes between her and her dream, he went there to ask for her self confidence. Pratibha only looked at him, not understand a single word he said ahead. Tears fell off her eyes and say he has been doing so much so that she can attend the audition, and she fell so weak. She says if still she doesn’t go there, she will never forgive herself. She holds his hand and says she is really lucky that she got him as husband.

In the auditions, a huge crowd was present. The compare was saying there is a lot of talent in Ranchi. Mahen and Pratibha come there, Pratibha holds Mahen as she watches the crowd. Mahen says there are a lot of people, but she must not worry, they have come this far. Pratibha says she will participate, not for herself but for him. Mahen smiles and takes her hand to go inside. Mahen and Pratibha go to a desk making way for themselves. A lady asks if they came for their son or daughter. The lady tells them they let them stand in parent’s line. Mahen comes back to the desk, Mahen shows them the wild card entry and says they are contestants. Two boys mocked that its time to teach their children, but a few people has come selfishly.
The director comes inside to tell the judges to keep some masala while selection, he has come to hear some wild card entry aunties are also here. Shubda ji was also among judges there.

Mahen checks the list and smiles watching Pratibha’s name. Shubda ji also stops at Pratibha’s name for a while and highlights it. Pratibha smiles watching his expressions. A girl says to Pratibha that her times have gone, why she wants to spoil their life. Mahen says if there were such contests in her times, she would have won them. Mahen says this is singing contest and anyone may participate, talent has no timings and age limits. Everyone become silent. In the auditions, the judges rejects one girl badly. The auditions were going on. Mahen tells Pratibha the next turn is hers. The compare comes to Pratibha saying she is special as she is a wild card entry. Pratibha introduces as Mrs. Pratibha Agarwal.

The compare says all the other contestants are 15 years younger than her, she must sing for them. The people there tease her again, for not being able to sing. Pratibha begins the singing. The crowd becomes silent at once. The crowd cheer, the compare asks if she will get selected. Pratibha says she isn’t sure, but she wants to say she is here because of her husband only. The compare asks if she took a training in classical singing. Pratibha says she learned a lot from her teacher, she wants to say to her that there is nothing less in her talent and her loyalty to it. Pratibha is called inside, Mahen nods at her as she leaves. Inside, Shubda ji asks who is next, the judge says Pratibha Agarwal.

Shubda ji gets alert at Pratibha’s name. Mahen tells Pratibha she must give her best inside, she asks her to come inside and asks her hand. Pratibha keeps hers on his. Everyone claps as Pratibha heads, Pratibha was about to enter when a crew man tells Pratibha she can’t participate in the auditon, she has been rejected out of the competition. Mahen comes to reception and complains they are wild card entry. The first auditionary tells them that Shubda mam is inside, she is extremely rude person. Mahen was enraged and says he won’t let this woman do this to her, she goes inside to the hall. He accuses in front of judges that this woman is playing with his wife. Shubda ji says he took his wife from her class himself.

Mahen says she is making a petty matter an issue of revenge for my wife’s whole life’s dreams. The crew watched the drama on screen in the back room. A judge sends Mahen outside promising that they need to talk alone. The others ask Shubda that this contestant is her student, her husband is accusing her. Shubda ji leaves saying they are pointing at her, she consider it as her disrespect. The director comes inside, the other judges tell the director that Pratibha’s husband might create a drama. The director and the judges smile that they must do a drama session of this show tomorrow with the names of Pratibha Agarwal. Mahen accuses Shubda as she was leaving. A crew member informs them they are called for audition tomorrow morning, they are relieved

At home, Anmol was waiting restlessly and is excited to hear the story of audition. Kaashi asks them to rest. Mahen says they said no to Pratibha. Peehu and Sunidhi were happy. Mahen smiles and says they then said yes, they have called them for interview tomorrow. He says her teacher Shubda is judge there, but tomorrow Pratibha is going on audition. Sanjeev says the fate of this house is also going to change. Mahen nods at Pratibha watching her lost.

Sunidhi’s mother scolds her for being upset here. Sunidhi complains she is left to rot in kitchen now, and that Pratibha has become a singer getting selected for auditions of talent hunt. Her mother tells Sunidhi that Pratibha will lose for sure, in the talent hunt. Sunidhi is relaxed.

At night, Mahen notices Pratibha as being lost. He makes her sit and says why is she worried. He says her voice is sweet and beautiful, then what fear she has? Pratibha says she is tensed, it isn’t as easy as she thought. Mahen says when she has made up her mind, it will all be fine. He goes to bring her a saree from wardrobe and tells her to wear this, she wore it on Peehu’s birthday and looked beautiful. Mahen says to Pratibha he feels tomorrow something good is going to happen.

Pratibha thinks Mahen is struggling for her dream so hard, she must come upto his hopes. In the morning, Rishi brings salary to Sumitra. Sumitra stops Namrita and asks him to give it to her, she wants her to take all her responsibilities of home. She tells Namrita to be careful, she is handing all her responsibilities to her today. Rishi forwards the envelop, Namrita takes it. Sumitra says today she must bring grocery, this time she will make a list for her. Namrita says she will try her best to come upto her expectations, Sumitra reminds her about her dish on stove.

Mahen and Pratibha come to venue, Mahen asks Pratibha what happened. Pratibha asks isn’t this all awkward, why is there such less crowd today. Mahen asks her to concentrate on her own self. The receptionist announces they will take time now. A few dramatic people are here, Mahen and Pratibha smile. The judges fake an laugh at the performance, the judge comments how can a person sing so bad. The judges comment that such people entertain them well, in the afternoon they have real singing competition. Pratibha’s turn is called, Mahen tells her they will love her voice, she must give her best. Pratibha comes inside, the judges share looks watching Pratibha. Pratibha notices Shubda ji absent. Pratibha starts her singing, the judges nod at her. The director tells the judges to get some entertainment from her, as her some interesting questions from her. The judge stops Pratibha in the way. The director says now there must be fun. Pratibha asks to sing another song. The judge asks why she participated in this competition, what brought her here in this age. Pratibha was clueless.

The judge interferes with Pratibha’s singing. The director awaits fun. The judge asks Pratibha what made her participate in this competition at this age. Pratibha says singing has been her passion, but more than her her family wanted her dream to come true, so she is here. The director asks the judges to try asking something that makes her worried. The male judge asks who from family wanted her to be here the most. Pratibha says she is here because of her husband only. The judge asks then she doesn’t trust herself? Pratibha says there isn’t anything like that. The director asks to call her husband to hold audience. They call Mahen inside, Pratibha wonders why they are calling Mahen inside. Mahen comes in, Pratibha tells him they didn’t let her sing even two lines.

The judge says his wife has a beautiful smile and voice. She told them that he is the one who supports her most, she needs him to hear for the results. The male judge says there is something other than singing that the audience wants to see, they are sorry that they couldn’t see that expression in Pratibha’s voice. Mahen asks him to be clear. The judge says his wife is much older. Mahen gets angry why they called him here today, they didn’t give him a chance to perform well. The judge asks if he thinks they are wrong.

Mahen says they doesn’t want his wife to sing, he has called them here today and without watching her performance they rejected him. He shouts that they are all with Shubda ji and she doesn’t want his wife to perform. Shubda ji calls from behind, what is happening. She comes in, she says to Mahen if he thinks they did wrong with his wife, now she decides that his wife should be given another chance. She says they will see if she can prove her wrong or not, after that this drama will end.

At home, Anmol is excited to see the auditions. Pratibha is shown performing and the whole drama is played on tv editing according to their will. Mahen and Pratibha come home, Sanjeev asks Anmol to switch the tv off and asks Kaashi not to speak about it. He sends the kids inside.

Mahen takes a seat, Pratibha says she will get water for them. Sunidhi says she will get water and tea, they must be tired and their day must be difficult. Pratibha asks Mahen not to worry, they have got a chance. Mahen says it is because of the lady who disrespected her and broke her self confidence. Pratibha says he himself asks her not to think negative. Mahen says those people are spreading negativity, did they go to make a drama. Kaashi says drama has been made, this is mud pool and it will ruin their own clothes. Sunidhi comes and tells him he was shown shouting at judges. Mahen gets even angrier.

Kaashi says what else they would get to see, why Pratibha thought about going there. Mahen says he forced Pratibha to go there. Kaashi asks Mahen not to be like Pratibha, it doesn’t suits him. Pratibha stops Mahen from speaking further and watches Kaashi leave curtly. Sunidhi asks them to have tea. Mahen keeps hand on Pratibha who was worried. Pratibha says she will go to audition alone. Mahen says he doesn’t care about anything but her, he will be with her on any step and will not leave her alone. They share looks smiling.

Sunidhi brings Peehu in the room to show her designer collection. Sanjeev comes there, Sunidhi thinks about a good idea to fill Peehu’s ears against Pratibha. She goes and asks Sanjeev was this a way to be a drama on tv, what was her need to participate in such a competition. Every neighbor but all their social circle must have seen this. Peehu hears this all and leaves curtly.

In the room, Pratibha says good night to Anmol. He stops her and says it should be very tough for them. Pratibha says what isn’t tough, everything will get well. She asks did he see the audition, he odds. Pratibha says stories are made at every corner, one must just keep on going. Peehu comes and asks she again made a fun of her, she must not perform in talent hunt as she is going to fail this. She requests Pratibha not to make a fun of her. Peehu leaves, Anmol holds Pratibha’s hand. Pratibha was worried. At night, Pratibha lay on bed awake thinking about the judge.

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