Update: Wednesday On Modern Homemaker (Episode 63-65)

Furious Darshana comes to Suhnaina and asks how come she treat Durgesh, her husband in such an unworthy manner She got very angry. Suhnaina tries to explain to her that it was indeed Durgesh’s fault, but she is too angry to listen. When she leaves, Kanhaiya sees her and follows her.

Darshana enters Renu’s room where Renu and her husband were both discussing with each other about Durgesh. Darshana takes out her frustrations on them as well. Darshana replies that Chicku's injury wasn't that big.When Sona’s name comes up, Darshana tells them not to mention her name in front of her and says nothing about Sona. Kanhaiya cannot control himself and goes to argue with Darshana. Darshana doesn’t listen to anyone and she tells Kanhaiya if he wants to teach to anyone, then he better goes and teach Sona. Her budget plan is going to save nothing, but instead increase more fights in this family. 

Kanhaiya comes to his room and sees Sona crying. He decides he has to do something to cheer her up. Sona tells him what happened with Chicku and how everyone had tears in their eyes today. She blames herself for everything, but Kanhaiya tells her it wasn't her fault at all. Whatever she did and is doing is good for the household.He later on says, the budget plan is new and whenever something is new, it takes time for people to adjust to it. They hug and then hear someone’s scream.

Neelam shouts for Sona when she sees a cockroach and Udham, Sona and Kanhaiya runs to the kitchen asking what happened.Udham asks why she was shouting looking at the dhal? Kanhaiya says that she must have shouted since the dhal dropped on the floor. Neelam tells them it wasn't but was rather shouting because of the appearance of the cockroach.  Both Sona and Kanhaiya starts laughing. Udham also voiced out  that she was a majors wife so she shouldn't be scared just to see a small thing? Neelam sees a cockroach on Udham’s shoulder and shouts again and all three of them ask what the matter was.Udham sees the cockroach on his shoulder and starts shouting and runs towards Neelam and they both hug .

Sona replies that this was actually a picture perfect and Kanhaiya says that if something good happens because of the cockroach, then its certainly good. Udham asks Neelam to see if  the cockroach was still on him. Neelam says that its on Sona’s saree.  Sona starts screaming and hugs Kanhaiya . Neelam replies that she was just joking.  Kanhaiya told her that she shouldn't have revealed it so fast as Sona would have been a little more romantic with her. Sona asks why Kanhaiya was saying all those in front of Neelam and Udham? Kanhaiya replies that there is nothing wrong with that. Surprisly Sona voiced out that there is a cockroach on Kanhaiya’s uniform as well.  Kanhaiya is all cool and asked where it was and hugs Sona asking to save him but Sona runs away and both Neelam and Udham smiles.

Neelam gives Suhnaina the money she has been able to save from the kitchen things and Suhnaina praises her. Suhnaina asks Bindiya to learn from Neelam on how to save money. Bindiya says that she needs to be a housewife for that but Suhnaina scolds her. Durgesh goes to Chicku’s room to wake him up.  He tells him that he came to apologize.Chicku asked as to why Durgesh shouted waking him up? Durgesh asks Chicku to accept his apology. Govardan comes in saying he bought cauliflowers that costs Rs75 for just Rs25. Suhnaina replies that she is allergic to cauliflowers she later on asks them to cook and finish it themselves. Manohar comes in buying another packet of cauliflower saying he saved money too. Udham and Kanhaiya walks in with another packet of cauliflowers.  Suhnaina in a funny way said all the 4 brothers are so loving that they need to buy the same vegetable as there is no other vegetable in the market to buy. 

Sona asks all of them to check the cauliflower as its all old and almost spoiled. Sona asks Kanhaiya to be careful in buying next time. Suhnaina wonders how they would finish the cauliflower.  Sona gives an idea. The next day, Suhnaina calls everyone out and Suhnaina informs  Chacha ji that she always needs to call everyone out. Suhnaina calls out Neelam for the tea and Neelam brings it for her. Sona gets a call from her old boss  Sona asked why he called her all of a sudden? Sona’s boss informs Sona about an article which she has wrote about banaras army unit scandal and Sona replies that she does, she remembered.

The boss tells her that they have got a clue and they had also published the article in their papers as well. Her boss also asks her. He asked when she would be joining work again as everyone is missing her.  Sona replies that the work she is doing now is making her extremely happy. Her boss also asks Sona to visit them when she has time. Everyone in the main hall is busily counting the money that they have managed to save from the budget.  Kanhaiya ask Sona to give the money on his behalf . When Suhnaina sees Sona and Kanhaiya laughing she asked Kanhaiya what it was about? 

Kanhaiya changes the topic as things were changing. He replies that from now onwards, Sona will give the money on his behalf but Suhnaina asked why she had to give instead of him? Kanhaiya replies that they are husband and wife and they are both one forever. Suhnaina asks Kanhaiya to get a hold of himself.  Chacha ji supports Kanhaiya saying that this is love. Kanhaiya gets Chacha ji’s blessings and Suhnaina slaps him. Suhnaina taunts on how her daughter in laws keeps her son in their hand. Everyone gives Suhnaina the money and Suhnaina records it down. Udham replies that since he got promoted, he will give more next time.  Suhnaina praises him. Suhnaina asks Udham not to go back to his army camp so soon.  Udham says that he needs to leave soon as its his nature of his job. Suhnaina calls Sona to give her the money. She later on said that if Sona gives her own salary, she will be more happy.

Uddham had a call fron Ranjit. Before I leave, I will certainly meet you. He said.You’re one of my closest friends. Have I ever gone without meeting you? No right? I’ll come. Durgesh stand right in front of Uddham’s face. Uddham informs Ranjit that he will call him back and hangs up. Uddham asked Durgesh what he was doing? Durgesh replies that he never get tired telling people that his brother in law is in the army. And the best part is that he got a promotion. He later on tells him he feel like distributing sweets to everyone in the neighborhood. But Uddham informs him it wasn't needed.

Durgesh tells him he doesn't have money…Kanhiaya hears this line. Durgesh says in order to celebrate and distribute sweets, I’ll need money. Uddham agrees and give him money.  Durgesh tells him that by giving it might as well give it all and takes all the money Uddham was holding. Kanhaiaya says jijaji to feed sweets to the neighborhood? Durgesh agrees.  Kanhiaya says he would do it. He takes the money from Durgesh. Durgesh agrees to go. Kanhaiya tells him he would run the errand Durgesh replies and leaves. 

The next morning everyone prays.  Uddham seeks the blessings of his mom. Suninia asked Sona to get yogurt and sugar. The doorbell rings. Manhoar opens the door. The army headquarters enters to see Mr. Major. Uddham Chaturvedy. We have come from the army headquarters. Manhohar asked them to come inside.  Uddham asked them what they needed.They informed him some other regiment officers have been suspended for selling weapons. Everyone is shocked. The guy hands Uddham a piece of paper. Uddham opens the letter and reads it. Uddham informs them he hasn't done any such thing. This is certainly someone’s plan against me. Or you guys are under some misunderstanding. Believe me, I can’t do such a thing.

Sunaina talks with the officers. My son is telling the truth. He can’t do such a thing. Since childhood he hasn’t done anything but protect the country. He can give up his life, but he can’t go against his own country. You’re under some misunderstanding. Uddham says I’ll die, but I will never go against my country. The army headquarter guy tells them he can’t do anything. Someone amongst us betrayed us. And because of that some innocent officers have been suspended. Very soon the investigation will be completed and the truth will be revealed. In this paper for the last few days have been some articles related to the investigation. Sunaina takes the paper. The guy tells them there was a report in it and based on that there is an investigation going on.

Suanina kept reading the article. She tells everyone Sona was the one who made the article.  Everyone is shocked. Sona brought the yogurt and sugar… everyone stares at her shocked. Sunaina walks towards her and asked if she wrote the report? Because of this report my Uddham has been suspended. Sona looks over the article. Sona tells her she wrote those report before marriage. And I was told that they were trying to find out…Suaniana tells her to stop. there is no point in saying what happened and how it happened. The truth is because of this report, my Uddham is suspended. His life is ruined. There is a case on him. And as long as this case goes on, Uddham will remain suspended. Sona tells Sunaina haven’t written anyone’s name in this article. And neither have I accused anyone. I just mentioned what is happening. I haven’t written anything more…Uddham shouts Sona. What do you think? That I’m a bad person? He snatches the newspaper from her and throws it at her. Kanhaiya comes and picks up the papers.

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