2nd January: Today In History

Today is January,  the 2nd day of 2016. There are 363 days left in the year.

Today's Highlight In History;

  1727James Wolfe, General who captured the city of Quebec, Canada
  1866Gilbert Murray, Classical scholar
  1897Jimmy Nervo, Member of the Crazy Gang
  1920Issac Asimov, Biochemist & science fiction writer
  1930Juilius La Rosa, 50's star
  1938David Bailey, English photographer
  1957Robyn Gibbes, Australian soap actress

  1635Cardinal Richelieu founded the Academie Francaise
  1839The first ever photographs of the Moon were taken
  1967Ronald Reagan became the governer of California, United States
  1968The worlds first heart transplant was carried out
  1972The American spacecraft Mariner 9 began mapping the planet Mars
  1974Museums and Galleries began charging admission for the first time
  1976Gales throughout the Britain caused widespread damage
  1983English television comedian Dick Emery died
  1992The 30 new civilian governors are sworn in. The Federal Cabinet is dissolved.

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