My Father Was Murdered Yesterday By Some Policemen - Ebonyi Ogbole @flowpajun

Here’s what the grieving son wrote: “Mr francis Ebonyi Ogbole was travelling to Benue State for the burial of his junior sister, on his way to the Iddo park, Oyingbo, Lagos State, escorted by his children which makes four people in the car, they were stopped by stop-and-search policemen with metro police van registration number KSF-176 EE
The policeman requested for all the necessary papers which he presented, then he was entering his car then a policeman, Sergeant Matthew Oche with force number F/NO-372727, said no he cant leave now cause the back glass of his car is tinted.
Mr. Francis however told him that its was because its still early and dark, around 5:30a.m, that the glass is not tinted, but the policeman was looking for a way to extort money from him. Out of anger, the policeman pushed him and he fell, broke his head and died instantly.” 
*This is unfair. just because you're on uniform and owns a gun you can maltreat people just the way you want. The Police Officer have to be arrested as soon as possible to be dealt with by the law for the crime he committed so others can learn from this*....

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