Update: Thursday On Reach For The Stars (Episode 50-52)

Kamala overhears Sahil talking to his lawyer that he wants to take over Raghav father's business. She goes to Raghav and tells him that Neetu has organised a party and Raghav should leave as soon as the party starts. Pakhi insists Kalpi to wear one of her dresses for the party.

Everybody in the party starts praising Kalpi for her looks and attire. Kamala discovers that Raghav has missed his flight and has been hiding in her house. He tells Kamala about his plan to leave India by next day's flight and asks her to let him stay till then. Sahil confirms that Raghav has not left for US and is somewhere in the city itself.

All the men and women are standing outside Kamla’s house. Manda says kamla works at Sahil’s house and she must know all that happened there. Manda says isn’t it like they have kidnapped him for sake of money. Vitthal laughs and says how do they know? He says to Manda yes we have kidnapped him and will take your name for it. A man say we have asked for 1 crore. Kamla says to Vitthal what will i says to Sahil kapoor now. He trusted me so much. Vitthal says that Raghav has live there and you felt it that they never loved him. Kamla asks Raghav to take care and not to go out. She asks kalpi to stay home and study. Raghav says don’t worry and tells kamla Tai i will teach kalpi and i am not afraid of anything now that i have left this all on god, you should go. He switches on his phone and Mishra calls him from USA.

Nettu asks the doctor to come. He says he has arrived already. Sahil tells the doctor that his BP shot last night. He wants a strong dose so he can go. Nettu says you are not going anywhere. Kamla is looking at him. Mummy  tells her that he has been like that and he has not slept since last night. Raghav will do this to them as they never imagined. Sahil says there is no response from the newspaper advert. Nettu says it will be just be patient. Kamla thinks is she doing good? Sahil is going while Nettu stops him. Sahil says i am not going to office i am going to find Raghav. Mummy stops him and he says don’t tell me anything. Kamla says to him that i want to says something. He asks do you know something about Raghav? Kamla says that he has no idea except you but he never felt good here. Nettu says Raghav has not ran from here but she helped him. Nettu says he must have helped her with money and he ran. Kamla says that i never helped him running but i knew that he was not happy here and wanted to live with Mishra. Sahil says but can you tell me where he is? He has not gone out of this city. Nettu says she knows Sahil that Kamla has done this all. Nettu says to kamla i told you i won’t leaves you. Kamla says sir promise me that you will nurture him well. Sahil says i promise but where is Raghav? Kamla says in my house. Sahil, Nettu and Mummy are dazed.

Raghav looks down from the window and he thinks till when will i be hiding here. What will i do if Sahil gets to know i am here. Kalpi gives breakfast to Raghav. Pakiya takes in a mouse and says that i will make make sure is fix. Raghav says you should become an engineer. Raghav says that i hate learning lectures. Raghav says that yes girls are boring so they like boring stuff. Kalpi shouts you like both and annoy me a lot. Manda hears them and is looking in from the door hole. Raghav hides and pakiya opens the door. Manda is scared. He says what were you looking for? Come in. She says no i thought there are some guests. She leaves but thinks is it like kamla has hidden singhaniya’s son in her house.

Dharminder starts the care and they head towards the chowl. Manda then tells people why kamla’s door is locked the whole day? Singhaniya’s son is lost. Maybe Singhaniya’s son is here and kamla has asked him to stay here. Meanwhile, Nettu in car is smearing at kamla and says you have done this to us kamla and you should have told us. Sahil asks Nettu to shut up and that i won’t trust anybody once i get Raghav. Kamla says that sir please don’t scolds Raghav when you meet him. Manda says to the women that kamla has two children and she speaks so polite maybe she will name this chowl on hers if she asks Raghav. What will we do if we get kicked out of this chowl. A lady says lets go and we will get to know the reality. Just then, Sahil Kapoor arrives there with kamla and she looks at vitthal who is looking at her with anger. Kamla looks satisfied.

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