Update: Tuesday On King Of Hearts (Episode 343-344)

Sundari thinks Pinto gave her a good idea. Sid is in pain. Sundari says you are my son Raghu and I couldn’t let you stay there. He sees Shabnam coming there and asks about the place. Sundari says it is very far from Mumbai and says we will go to our village early morning. He acts and says I can’t do this act anymore. I am your son Raghu and asks her to take her home.

Raghu falls down. Roshni tries to help him get up. Raghu comments that she is trying to get closer to him. She helps him get up. Shabnam thinks to kill Raghu and follows him holding a pistol. She wonders where did they go? Roshni says Shabnam would have seen you. Raghu says it was his plan. He says he is trapped between mother and wife. Roshni asks who is wife? She asks him not to call her wife. They argue.

Simran comes to DD’s house. DD asks her to sit and greets her. Simran says I don’t want to sit and talks about her parvarish because of which Sid helped her come out of jail. She calls for Sid. DD says he is not at home. Mona comes and says he is your son’s lookalike and his name is Raghu. Simran says I don’t want to hear your nonsense, and says she came to take her son. DD says Sid went on a date with Roshni. Simran says he is very unsafe then.

Sid and Roshni walks in the jungle……Sid says he is hurt on his head. Roshni tears her dupatta and ties on his head. Mere Rubaru plays………..She says we shall leave from here. Sid asks her not to hit him on his head again. He sings song. Shabnam searches for them in the jungle.
Simran argues with DD and blames Roshni. They verbally start fighting. Nani moves her hands and legs, and tries to stand on her feet on her own. She stands up and goes near DD and Simran. DD, Simran and Mona are shocked to see her standing on her feet. They help her sit down. DD says thank God…She says you might can talk also and asks her to try. She says she will call the doctor. Sid says as we came to the temple, we shall pray for your intelligence. Roshni rings the temple bell, followed by Sid. Roshni prays and closes her eyes. Sid adores her and then prays loudly asking God to make Roshni lose her anger, and give her strength not to get scared of cockroach. He eats the prasad laddoos irritating Roshni. She then eats laddoos too and says she is also hungry. Roshni thanks the God. They leave.

Roshni and Sid are sitting near the bonfire. Roshni asks him question about ant and elephant and laughs telling the answer. She laughs and falls on him. Ang Lagade Re plays……………..She kisses on his face. She then realizes and says you are not Sid. Sid says I am Sid only. She says you are not Sid. Sid keeps his hand on her mouth and gets closes to her. He asks her not to stop herself and says I want to tell you everything. He asks her to identify him and says I am not the one you are thinking and is the one for whom you have been waiting. He says I want to tell you the truth and says I am your Sid….Just then a car comes and stops there stopping Shabnam to hear them. It starts again and splashes mud on her face. Shabnam gets angry and then sees them missing.

Sid and Roshni come home and stop fighting. Yash asks them not to fight and says leave this fight for Sam and me. Yash meets DD. Roshni tells DD that they are saved because of Yash today. Roshni and Sid pretend to fight in front of Sam and Yash. She says we shall sign on the divorce papers. Sid says right away….DD asks what is happening? Roshni says I can’t bear you. Sid asks her to take out papers and end it. Yash asks what is happening? Sam says how can you talk about divorce. Sid and Roshni fight again. Sam says it doesn’t matter who makes mistakes and asks her to look at her life. She says if I would have handle my life well then my life would have been different. Sid says she is gaining sympathy. Yash says Sam is right and tells that we have to oversee small fights. Sid says that’s what I want to say. Roshni asks them to start afresh and become friends.
Sam and Yash looks at each other.

Sam and Yash hug each other. Sam apologizes to him and promises not to do any mistake again. She says I missed you. Yash apologizes to her for letting her go and hugs her. DD asks them to be happy always. She blesses them. Mona blesses them too. Shabnam comes home. Mona tells her that Sid and Roshni have united Yash and Sam, and says this house have got both son-in-law’s. Shabnam is angry. Mona says you have always fooled me and said that you will unite my daughter with Yash. She says you are very ill mannered woman. Shabnam tries to slap her, but Yash holds her hand and warns her not to do anything. Mona says it is God’s justice which is applied on your face She brings more mud and applies on her face.

Sid thinks to tell his truth once he exposes Shabnam. Simran gets worried about Sid and tells Raj that even DD didn’t know about his whereabouts. Raj says we couldn’t find him. Kritika tells Simran that she will find peace when she meets Sid. Simran says she will not let him go anywhere once she gets him.

Shabnam washes her face and cleans the dirt. She then throws the mirror and recalls Mona insulting her. She says this is done by the lookalike and says I will trap you in the conspiracy from which you can’t come out. DD asks Sam and Yash to start afresh. Mona hugs DD. Sid tells Roshni that Yash is back in the house. DD says I want to give surprise to everyone and asks them to wait. She says Maa (Nani) wants you all to know one thing and brings her on wheel chair. Nani puts her feet down and stand up. Roshni and Sid are surprised and so is others. Roshni cries happily and hugs her. Sid hugs Nani….and is happy. He says thank god you can stand now. He hugs her again and hopes she could speak too. DD says we will do lunch together. Everyone is happy.

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