Update: Friday On King Of Hearts (Episode 416-417)

Kunal asks his goons to pick the sticks and make a havan. He asks Pandit ji to start reciting the mantras. Kunal looks at Roshni. Roshni picks the fire wood and warns Kunal. Bansi says she will cut their tongue. Just then Simran and Krutika comes there. Roshni runs from there while the goons follow her. Roshni falls down. Kunal catches Roshni and asks her to stop her acting else he will kill her. He asks her to forget Sid. Premal asks Simran and Krutika to leave, but they refuse. Kunal asks Pandit ji to do the marriage within 10 mins. Sid gets Roshni’s stuff and thinks it is of Roshni. He sees a light falling on him from Roshni’s jewellery. Kunal asks Pandit ji if the marriage is done. Pandit ji says no, one phera is remaining. Sid runs towards the building. Kunal tries to fill sindoor in her maang while she resits and doesn’t let him to fill her maang. Sid throws a stick on Kunal’s hand to stop him.

Simran and Krutika tie them. Raj brings Inspector again. DD tells Inspector that they have kidnapped her and Bansi’s grand son have kidnapped my daughter and taken her somewhere. Bansi says my Kunal have taken your daughter with him far, and says nobody can save him now. DD slaps her. The goons run towards Sid and surround him. Sid beats them and goes near Kunal. Kunal pushes Roshni and fights with Sid. Sid beats him and he falls on ground. Roshni hugs Sid. Sid says there is only one name written on Roshni’s life, and fills her maang with sindoor. Kunal gets up. 

Sid and Roshni running from Kunal’s clutches and hides. DD slaps Bansi and asks her to have some shame atleast in her age. She says I gave you much respect, but you don’t deserve it. She tells her that Sid, her Jamai will find Roshni anyhow, and asks her to think about herself. Inspector arrests Premal, Shagun and Bansi and takes them. DD tells Raj that they should also go and search for Roshni. Shabnam comes to the under construction building and calls Kunal, but he is not there. Shabnam calls Bansi, but her phone is unanswered. Shabnam thinks if her plan failed. Kunal catches Jyoti Tai and asks her about Roshni and Sid. Jyoti Tai says you are a big fool to think that I will tell you wherebouts of Sid and Roshni. Just then Kunal sees Sid and Roshni running, and asks his
men to take Jyoti to upstairs. He runs after the couple and finds them to be someone else. He gets angry. A fb is shown, Sid thinks of hiding something at safe place and says he will go as Jyoti Tai to settle scores with them.

Kunal slaps Jyoti and asks where is Sid and Roshni. Jyoti says don’t you hear my answer before. Kunal is about to stab her, but Shabnam comes and asks Kunal where is Sid and Roshni. Kunal tells that Sid have eloped with Roshni and says Jyoti will tell him. Jyoti refuses to inform him anything and says your game will end in sometime after Police comes. Kunal says ambulance will come for sure to lift your dead body and asks her to tell where is Roshni and Sid. Jyoti refuses and provoke him. Shabnam tells Kunal that Sid have eloped with Roshni and we have to wipe all the proofs. Kunal refuses to go without Roshni and stabs Jyoti. Shabnam shouts Kunal being shocked. Jyoti Tai falls off from the building cliff. Police arrives there. Shabnam asks what wrong did you do? Kunal says I will not leave before taking Roshni. Roshni gets shocked seeing Jyoti falling off from cliff. Shabnam thinks she has to leave alone now, and says she will not spare everyone. Kunal comes to Roshni and asks her to come. Roshni says you are a killer and have killed him.

Kunal says I haven’t killed him. Inspector comes and arrests Kunal. Simran, Raj and DD come there. Kunal says Jyoti fell from there. Roshni faints. Raj and others wake her up. Roshni cries. They take the dead body in the ambulance and doesn’t let anybody see the face. Roshni cries and says nothing can happen to him. Simran asks Raj to do something. Just then Sid comes and keeps hand on Roshni’s shoulder. Roshni gets relieved seeing him alive and hugs him. Sid smiles. DD, Simran and Raj take a sigh of relief. Roshni hugs him and asks where did you go? Sid says you should have sat there silently. Raj scolds him for doing drama. Sid says Shabnam fled seeing Police coming. H says sad part is that Jyoti Tai is dead now. He tells that Pinto was holding a net on ground, when Kunal stabbed and pushed him. He landed in the net, and that blood was fake. He tells Roshni that jyoti tai’s body is fake. Raj asks why you did this. Sid says Shabnam always plays a game, but we will win this big game. He says our big card is Kunal. Roshni hugs Sid and asks him not to leave her.

Later Sid comes to Police station along with Raj, and tells him that Jyoti Tai is murdered by him. He says there is two ways for him. One is to get rotten in jail with his family members, and the other is to forget Roshni and get his freedom. He asks him to sign on the papers. He says he will use his contacts, money and will take him out. Kunal asks how to believe you? Sid says okay, don’t trust and takes the papers. Premal says I will make him understand and explains to him. Kunal signs on the papers. Roshni and Raj looks on. Sid takes the papers. Kunal asks when you will get us freed from here. Shabnam thinks how will Sid help Kunal come out, and thinks to find out the mystery.

Roshni teasing Jyoti Tai/Sid and says why you are keeping me away from my Sid. Sid says he will be Jyoti till he fixes everything. Roshni says Tai used to take care of me etc. Sid jokes with her. They have an eye lock. Kesar comes home and tells DD that their business is back to normal because of Jyoti Tai, and says he wish he could thank her. Jyoti Tai comes and asks him to thank her. Kesar shouts ghost seeing her. Roshni hugs Jyoti. Kesar asks Roshni not to go near ghost. DD laughs. Sid asks Kesar why he is shocked and scared. Kesar asks where are you? Sid says Sid is here with me and talks as Sid and Jyoti, both. Kesar gets scared and runs. Shabnam thinks her plan is ruined because of Bansi and Kunal. She thinks Kunal didn’t hear her and killed Jyoti. Just then she sees Jyoti and Roshni going and is shocked. She follows them and says it means Jyoti is alive. She says a big conspiracy and thinks to turn the tables. DD tells Inspector that Shabnam shall be caught and will get rigorous punishment. She says I just cursed her. Raj says Police will catch her.

In the car, Roshni asks Sid what he is thinking? Sid says he is tired wearing saree since 3 months and says he will make Shabnam pay for her doings. Just then someone comes and falls before their car. They get down the car and sees Shabnam under the blanket. Shabnam shows pistol to Jyoti and says you have died infront of everyone, but today you will die for sure as this pistol and bullets are real. She takes Roshni to her side. DD talks to Inspector and says they have left long back. They get worried. Raj says they are not picking the call. Simran prays to God for their safety. DD says lets go and find them. Jyoti says leave Roshni and catch me. Shabnam says I will have fun kidnapping my sister, and says she needs Sid only. She asks Jyoti to sit in car else she will kill Roshni and shoots in air. They sit in her car. DD tries calling Sid. Shabnam asks Jyoti to take car to that place. Roshni asks where you are taking us?

Shabnam asks her to sit quietly. Roshni throws her gun out. Jyoti Tai gets the gun. Shabnam asks her to give gun. Roshni holds Shabnam. Jyoti hides the gun and confuses Shabnam. Shabnam tries to get her gun from her hand, but her wig comes in her hand. Shabnam is shocked to see Sid as Jyoti Tai. Sid removes jewellery and bindi etc. Shabnam says Sid…….Sid asks what happened? Did you like my magic? Sid laughs and says I used to stay with my wife in her room, and you couldn’t figure out. Shabnam says you have betrayed me big. Roshni slaps her and says you thought that you will give me drug and I will not get memory back. She says you will get rotten in jail.

Shabnam starts her drama and cries. She says I am ruined. She throws sand in their eyes and escapes in her car. Sid comes home and tells DD that shabnam will not accept defeat easily. Shabnam comes and says you said right. Police also comes. Roshni tells Inspector about Shabnam’s doings. Shabnam asks him to take her from there and says I have done this under a big influence. She says doctor who was treating me, took my vulgar photos and forced me to do this. She cries and smirks. Inspector sees the pics. Everyone is shocked. Inspector tells Sid that he has checked and Shabnam is saying right. Sid says she has been fooling you. Shabnam says they don’t trust me as I am step sister of Roshni. Inspector shows Doctor’s confession and says he went away. He says until he comes back, we can’t accept that Shabnam have done this. DD asks Shabnam to get out of her house. Shabnam says she has right on Shiv’s property and says she has right on everything now. She goes to her room. DD gets angry. Sid calms her down.

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