Update: Thursday On Reach For The Stars (Episode 125-127)

Pakhi confesses her love for Raghav to Kamla bai. Raghav reveals to Sammy that he is only using Pakhi to take a revenge on the Kapoor family. On the other side, Kapoor family is busy expressing there displeasure on losing their project to Raghav's company. Raghav arrives at his office. Kalpana offers him SiddhiVinayak's Prasad. Pakhi feels that Raghav is upset with him and hence he is ignoring her. Kalpana explains to her that Raghav behaves according to his mood and she doesn't need to worry. Moments later, Pakhi and Kalpana are asked to come inside Raghav's office. Raghav informs them about a visit for a housing project. He asks Kalpana not to come along. Pakhi slips at home and injures her feet. She gives a call to Raghav and informs him that she will not be able to join. Sammy asks Raghav to take Kalpana along. Raghav agrees though reluctantly.

Kalpana is upset as Raghav has asked her not to join him for the project to Alibagh. Moments later Kalpana gets a call asking her to join Raghav for the visit to Alibagh. Kalpana informs Kamla about Pakhi's injury. Kamla gets worried about Pakhi. Kamla is hesitant on sending Kalpana for the trip, but, later agrees to send her. On the way, Raghav advices Kalpana to worry about herself and have no concerns for him. Pakhi finds out that Raghav has gone without her. Kamla Bai expresses her concern for Pakhi to her. On their way they see a couple in need for help. Raghav drives on. Kalpana asks Raghav to help them. Raghav agrees to listen to her. He stops the car in front of the couple, but then he finds out that they are actually a part of a gang of thieves.

Raghav and Kalpana are trapped by the thieves. In the beginning Raghav and Kalpana do as told by the thieves. But, Raghav looses his cool and charges at the thieves when one of them tries to touch Kalpana. Raghav fights the goons but, is forced to stop when one of them has a knife on Kalpana's neck. Raghav stops to fight and decides to do exactly as asked by the thieves to keep Kalpana safe. The thieves take away his car, wallet etc. Kalpana is very apologetic as she feels she is the cause for the incident. Raghav too blames her.

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