Update: Monday On King Of Hearts (Episode 448-449)

Simran asks Sid what he is reading early morning? Brain…Sid says he is taking info for his sasumom. Simran says I know, and gives him prasad. She asks him to give prasad to Roshni as well. Sid says she is not here, but went to Panvel. Raj comes and asks him to meet DD. He says go and tell her about her love for you. He asks him to go and win saas’s heart. Sid asks how do you manage guys? Raj says you will understand when you becomes dad. Sid hugs them. Roshni wishes Sid shall be there. She misses him and calls Sid. Just then Sid comes and says I am here. He says I thought you are missing me and that’s why I came to meet you. He says Mom brought baba ji’s prasad for you. Roshni asks him to make her eat it. Sid says Mom thought to keep a big feast when sasumom gets well. Roshni says she is not amicable now, and have become heartless like before. Sid says you are worried as she has become old DD.

He says he will make her fine and that’s why I became Sid Kukreja. Just then they hear DD calling servant.Sid runs out of room. Resham comes to get water and sits on Sid thinking him to be table. Sid coughs. Resham shouts thief! Sid puts cloth on her head and runs to Roshni’s room. She shouts and gathers everyone. DD asks what is this drama? Resham hugs her and says thief touched me. DD asks Kesar to search in room. Sid thinks where to go and hides in her cupboard. DD asks Roshni to come out of room. Roshni comes out and pretends to have woken up from sleep.Resham goes inside room and checks for thief. She is about to open the cupboard, just then Roshni shouts asking Resham to come out and she needs to sleep. DD asks Resham to come out. Just then Sid sees lizard in the cupboard and runs out of the room. He realizes that DD have seen him. Roshni is shocked too. He says hi to DD in his heroic style. He shows his hand and says I love you in Shah Rukh Khan style. 

DD asks Kesar to call Police and get him arrested. She calls him rascal and asks how dare he enter Roshni’s room. Sid sings Jab Koi Plan Bigad jaaye…..samajhlo hain aas pass teri maa….He says he is writing a book to woo a girl. He sits on sofa and asks from where did you buy it. He says you have so much in the house, but my suit is rented. DD warns him to keep his feet down. Sid asks her notto be violent, and says I have fallen in love with your daughterin the same hospital where we were admitted in coma state. He says I went there to get my gas trouble treated. He drinkswater and asks DD to sit as well. DD keeps her foot on the chair. Sid says so you will not sit, and puts his foot on chair as well. He says I love your daughter. Resham and Kesar smiles. Roshni also enjoys his drama. Sid says I love your daughter very much. He says there is much difference between you both. You are dry, but your daughter is like butter, creamy, white…what a beauty? DD gets angry. He says I will marry her and then you will become my sasumom. DD gets flashes of Sid calling him sasumom……She hears I am back Sasumom.

Sid asks I know your head is shaken because of my charm, and says you can’t be saved DD Patel. DD slaps him and asksguards to take him away from there. Sid says stop it and says nobody can touch me. He says it is a rented suit and have to return to laundry. He says I will come again to meet your daughter. He leaves. DD asks Roshni what is going on? Are you interested in him? Roshni nods no. She asks did you get married to him? Roshni thinks we are already married mom. DD says it is not my problem if you are in love with himand asks her to wait till she dies. She asks her to end her loveand sleep. She scolds Resham and Kesar for letting Roshni meet Sid. She asks Roshni to go and sleep. Roshni runs to her room. Resham and Kesar also run to their room. DD gets thinking.Sid tells Doctor that when he called her sasumom then she recalled something. He says I don’t know medical science, but knows love. Doctor asks him not to hurry up else it will bedangerous for DD. Sid tells his parents that they will return to chawl.

Sid shares his plan with his parents, and says he is going to win his sasumom’s heart. Raj says he will do wonder. Sid asks Bunty to come and they leave. Simran says Sid will come home and will get beaten by DD. DD asks Roshni to read jewellery business books. Roshni says I am not interested in this. DD says you want to run NGO all life, and says I was forced to work to earn a livelihood and asks her tostand up on her feet. Resham makes sounds while eating. DD asks her not to make sound. Roshni thinks DD is scolding everyone. She comes back home with Kesar and Roshni….and sees Sid standing with many people.

DD gets shocked and asks Sid how dare he make tent? Sid asks her to drink tea and drinks it. He asks what is stuck on your face. DD wipes her face. The ladies standing there, say it is still there. DD wipes her face and asks if it is gone. Sid says it is Akrosh, anger, rage…etc. He asks her not to be angry and talkto him with love. He asks her to ask why did he keep tent there, and says it is mine. He says you will tell that I kept it here as I want to trouble you. He says I have done this, as I want to see your daughter.Roshni comes to balcony. DD asks her to go inside the room.People standing there say that old lady is stopping the lovers. DD says I will burn the tent. Sid says did I touch your house. He says don’t underestimate the power of an ordinaryman. DD and Kesar are about to go. Sid says lets sing and dance. Raj gets ready for office. Bunty comes there and asksthem to come to police station. He switches on the TV. Sid sings a song…and gets arrested by Police. Simran gets tensed. Sid shows Police commissioner number to Inspectorand threatens him teasingly. He leaves Sid and goes. Sid thinks it will be fun to irritate her. DD asks Roshni, how can you tolerate him. 

Sid comes with a group of people chanting slogans against rich people. DD gets angry and tries to slap him. Sid bends. He asks her to give him a chance and make her Jamai. Resham nods. He folds his hands and says now it is your son-in-law’s turn. DD gets black n white flashes. Roshni takes her inside.Sid thanks the people and says you can go. Roshni tells Sid that your tricks are not working and mom is getting angry. Sid says she remembered something and went inside. He says her memory will come back and I will make it happen. He hugs her and asks her to go.Simran tells Sid, how can DD not know about them. Sid says Ihave talked to Roshni and Kesar. Raj comes and says I got an idea. He says your son will get son-in-law of the year award. Simran says I don’t understand anything. Raj asks her to make cold lassi. Simran says my foot and goes. Raj asks him not to worry. Sid says Roshni will meet doctor tomorrow and take guidelines.

DD calls Roshni and asks her to give phone to her, and says you can’t go outside house without my permission. Roshni says I am an adult and says why can’t I meet my….. DD asks her to complete her sentence. Roshni says I am going to meet my NGO kids. DD says if you want me to be fine then don’t step out of house. Roshni doesn’t go. Sid calls Roshni and thinks phone is not connecting. He calls Kesar. Kesar is about to pick call. DD asks him to keep his phone on silent. Kesar sees Sid’s call. DD asks him to give phone to her. Kesar thinks what to do. DD sees SR creation and asks aboutthe brand name. She says who took this call. It is a disgusting name. She asks who kept this name SR without my permission. Everyone get tensed.

Kesar says it is Shrimati Roshni with your blessing. DD says yuck, it is a villager name and asks whose mind is behind this. Kesar thinks it is your idea. He says Roshni have selected this brand name.DD thinks Roshni will ruin her business. Sid comes to meet Roshni and climbs up on to the balcony. Roshni says your ancestral is monkey. She says mom hates you. Sid says but I love her and love you baby. She says mom took away her phone. DD comes and shouts Roshni. Sid gets shocked and shouts. Roshni says mom….DD throws her slippers on Sid. Sid says no….DD asks him to go to hell. Sid asks what are you doing?

DD picks a broom and says I will not leave you. She throws broom on him. Sid asks what do you want? I will leave from here.Sid thanks her for the entertainment. DD asks the servants tocatch him, and promise to break pot on his head. Sid says okay, I will come and jumps to reach the ground. DD runs after him. Sid asks her to relax. DD picks pot again. Sid says these things don’t suit you. DD keeps it back. She says I needto talk to you. Sid says what can you do? DD picks the water pipe. Sid says betrayal and runs. Resham comes and water falls on her. She shouts. DD asks Resham why did you come in between. Sid says I have fun taking bath after 7 days. DD says you are stinking. She beats him with water pipe. Sid says no and runs from there. Roshni prays to God to help her and get mom’s memory back.

DD is worrying about Roshni and thinks she is up to something and making her fool. Roshni comes and says sorry. DD asks really? She says you have proved me right andhave feelings for him. She says you can get better guy than him. Just then they hear Sid calling village people and asks DD to come out of house. He is seen standing beside the water tank and calls DD. He says I will jump and commit suicide. People gather there and asks him to come down. DDand Roshni come out. Sid says I will jump from here. DD getsflashes of Sid. Roshni says mom. Sid asks did you love someone? No but I love someone.

DD came in my way. Sid says she has become stone, mountain and dayan and is standing on my head. He says if you don’t kill me then I will kill myself and trap you for my murder. Sid says if anyone want to know truth about her then…. He says this beautiful girl standing beside DD is going to be my wife and asks themto arrest DD. He says Roshni is matured and 18 plus now, so she can take her life’s decision. He calls her new age tayyab ali…DD goes inside angrily. Sid asks where are you going? Roshni sees DD bringing a big gun and asks Sid to get down. DD asks Roshni to stay out of her way and says I am against your love…you middle class guy. Sid says we will sit and talk over tea. He runs from there. DD says he ran away seeing trouble and says you have to walk lifting him in such circumstances. She asks her to find a man for herself. Roshni thinks they fight like street people and thinks she will get mad.Bunty, Raj and Simran laugh on Sid. Sid says if that bullet would have hit me, then I would have gone. Simran asks why is he taking chance. She thinks I will do something. She says we will have party at home.

Raj says now. Simran says no discussion and goes. Servant gives invitation card to DD. Shesees invite from Khurana’s and says they are big builders. She thinks to take Roshni to party. Roshni talks to Sid and says she is feeling good talking to him secretly. Sid says we are getting boyfriend and girlfriend feeling, and says I am hero in your life. DD calls Roshni. Roshni gets shocked and says DD is coming towards her. She says I am dead. DD comes to room. Roshni pretends to search her earrings. DD says you are wearing your earring. Roshni says I have lost it. DD asks her to get ready and says we are going to high profile party. Simran greets her guests. They say Sid is handsome and asks about Roshni. Sid says she is in mayka. They start gossiping about Roshni and Sid’s relation. Sid tellsSimran to ignore them, and says he is missing Roshni. Simran says even I am missing her and says I will bring her here. Sid asks shall I call doctor. Simran says I will check snacks and will come back. DD and Roshni come to the Khurana hotel.

Roshni thinks this is Sid’s hotel. DD says they are Khurana builders, and says they are high profile people. Resham, Kesar and Roshni are surprised. Someone asks if you are DD Patel. DD says yes. He asks her to come. They hear someonecalling Simran as Mrs. Khurana. Simran greets DD and says hello…DD. DD says I think I have seen you that day. Simran says I know…you are surprised. She says we are the Khuranas, and my husband handles this business globally…She says I have invited you all to clear the misunderstanding. She calls Raj. Roshni gets tensed and goes to washroom. Simran asks Raj to meet DD Patel, the great jewellery designer. Raj wonders why Simran called her here. He asks who have invited you here. Simran says you told me that you are DD’s fan. Raj says yes. Simran says I want you to meet my son. Raj says whose son? Simran says our son. DD says I am fine. Raj takes Simran with him. Simransays I will just come. DD looks for Roshni. Sid sees Roshni and asks her to come with him. DD looks for Roshni and saysI just don’t understand what she is up to.

Roshni asks Sid to talk to Simran. Sid calls their mums have done wrong. Raj asks why you have invited DD here. Simran says DD’s misunderstanding will be cleared. Raj says DD’s mental condition is bad. Simran asks him not to worry. Sid collides with DD and says sorry. DD asks what the hell, are you doing here? Sid asks what are you doing here? He asks her to have shame and says I am not interested in you, but in your daughter. DD says you came here to have free food? Sidsays everyone comes to party to have free food. He says I have eaten food and reserved for 4 days. DD says it is disgusting. Sid starts dancing in the party and sings mera tera fan hogaya….follow karun twitter pe…Raj and Simran laugh. He dances with Roshni. DD gets irritated with him and slaps on his face. Everyone is shocked.

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