Update: Tuesday On Reach For The Stars (Episode 186 - 188)

Raghav and Pakhi are in front of them all. Everyone is so bewildered. Kamla and Vitthal can’t believe their eyes. Pakhi is constantly smiling while Kalpana is so shocked to say or understand anything. Kalpana, Kamla and everybody else is shocked to learn that Pakhi has married Raghav. Pakiya asks Pakhi if she married Raghav? Hearing this, the prayer plate in Kamla's hand fall off from her hand. Manda says Raghav and Pakhi are such a perfect couple and tells Kamla that Raghav has finally become her son in-law.

Pakhi apologizes to Kamla that she had to marry like this and asks if she won't pray for her. She touches Kamla’s feet. Kamla says her prayers are with her. Kalpana is so shocked to say something. Vitthal throws away his turban. Pakhi tells Raghav that she is going upstairs to talk to Kamla as she think she is so angry. A devastated Kalpana is all alone with Raghav. Kalpana moves to him and asks why did he do this to her? Kalpana shouts.

While Pakhi explains the entire situation to Kamla and tries to get her blessings, that she know that she is mad at her and that she
call her mother and didnt’t tell her. She couldn’t tell anyone and apologizes to Kamla to forgive her and that she know how much she love Raghav and all this has happened because of her and asks her to be happy.
Kalpana is devastated at this behaviour of Raghav and asks why he brake her heart and if he didn't want to marry her, he should
have told her. She asks why he hurt her parents and he didn’t come to meet her parents but she said it's okay. She asks him
what will she says to them. She begs him to say all this is a lie and shouts at him. Raghav replies that he can’t lie to her even when he
want and the truth is he have married Pakhi. On the other hand, Pakhi tells Kamla that Raghav loves her a lot and when he came back from Paris, he called her and asked her to come to his place.

When she went there, it's was filled with flowers. Pakhi remembers that Raghav came and hug her from back and recalls when she
asks Raghav to please tell her if this is not a dream. Raghav says this is reality and he want to say it candidly. He bowed down and
asks if she will marry her? Pakhi immediately accept and he makes her wear the ring. He says this was their ring ceremony and they
will now go to court for the wedding. He want to marry her right now and he can’t waste more time. Pakhi hugged him.

Pakhi asks Kamla to tell her what could she do and it was the biggest dream of her life. He had made all the preparations and asks if she is right? Raghav explains that he was compelled to do so, he agrees he is wrong, he hold her and tells her to listen to him. Kalpana does not listen to Raghav. She slaps him and asks him
leave her. These things don’t matter to her now and she was mad to trust him. She thought she will have a fistful sky but she forgot that it's not for people like them, she then throws the ring and all the bangles away. She leaves running in. Raghav throws away his turban and is so angry with himself.

Kalpana runs to a pillar and cry bitterly. She sits on the floor. Raghav comes there following her. He says he know he is her culprit and to punish him however she want, but to just listen to him why he did this. Kalpana says there is nothing left to listen to and that the rich people enjoy hurting them, It's their trait and he did the same. He just took her as a challenge and tells him not to ask for pardon. It's her mistake that she forgot that she live in a chowl and people like him care about class more but later calms down and hears what Raghav had to say. Raghav says he know
she have been deceived but he have been deceived too. He can feel her pain. Kamla always tells him to go to mandir before every
good thing and he went to mandir before coming here where it turns out that Raghav has met his mother Gauri.

He quotes ” Gauri was there and she started running when she saw Sahil there. She was running with scared on the road. She saw a kid and started chasing her and also she got hit by Raghav’s car. He came out and looked at her. She was screaming Chintu name. Raghav was dazed. He tried to recognize the lady and when
he actually turned her face to him. He recalls his childhood days. ”Kalpana is shocked to listen this. Raghav tells Kalpana that he wanted to leave her alone but still took her home and that Kalpana love made him do like that. He got her checked and the doctor said she has lost her memory and will be okay with the treatment. He recalls, Gauri is on bed. She wakes up calling Chintu.

He comes closer to her and gives her juice. He asks her why she left them alone and she should have been with his father. Still she don’t recognize him. Gauri gets up and hugged Raghav. She called him Chintu and asks where was he all this while? She looked for him everywhere but Raghav agrees that he is Chintu but not her Chintu and he is Raghav Singhnaiya now and she can leave now. Gauri says how can he ask her to leave after so many years. Raghav replies her that she left him and his father alone. Gauri deny this and she never left him and his father. She told Raghav that the workers were on strike and she came to know that Sahil Kapoor created differences between his father and her.

She wanted to go in and talk to his father about all this and the moment she went in and she saw that Sahil was killing his father.
His thugs saw her and chased her but she got hit by a car and don’t remember what happened after that. She is homeless since that day and she wish she had not recalled all this. She never left you and Sahil is his culprit and not her. He is their enemy that killed his father and made him an orphan while his mother was still alive. Sahil is fine and still lives happily in his life. Gauri then asks him to promise her on her life that he will destroy Sahil. He took his parents from him and he should take everything precious to him.

Raghav hugs Gauri and is in tears. Kalpana is so shocked to listen to all this. Raghav asks her to tell him what could he do after narrating the entire story to Kalpana. He explains to her that he married Pakhi in order to avenge his father's death and that he thought It's his time to act like a son. He have to take revenge of the pain his mother has suffered. He asks her would she have got married breaking the promise she made to kamla? Kalpana asks what's the point of marrying Pakhi in all this? Raghav replies that he love her ( Kalpana ) and he will always do but first he have to attain the challenge he came for, in th city. He married Pakhi in order to seek his revenge and to destroy Sahil as he had killed his father. He further tell her that he went to Sahil that his daughter is madly in love with him. But he is a business man, he have come up with an agreement related to his property, he tells him to sign it and he will marry his daughter.

Sahil refuses to accept it. Nettu immediately says they don’t have any other option. Nettu says if Pakhi marries him his property will
be theirs after the wedding. Sahil and Nettu come back to Raghav and ask for the file. He gives them the file while Sahil is reading it,
Nettu tells him to sign it and that Raghav is theirs now. Raghav tells Sahil to read it and he will feel better. He takes out a pen and
gives it to Sahil. Sahil signs the papers and Raghav congratulate him that he is his parents in-law and that Pakhi is waiting for him in
the court. Kalpana says what's the fault of Pakhi in all this. He is a true business man and he come up with deals all the time and asks
what deal he have done for her? She asks why did he break her parents and her heart? They trusted him and this is what he gave
them and what have he punished them for? For trusting him and for considering him a good person? The Kapoor's destroyed his
parents’ life and he demolished the dreams of her parents. She demand him to give her an answer and that he make relationships
for his benefits.

Meanwhile, Pakhi tells Kamla that she and Raghav got married in a court and she came here to apologize her. She again apologizes to
her and asks her to pray for her. Kamla places her hand on her head. Pakhi asks where Sammy is? Kalpana was about to wed
him? She asks if it's today or it's done already? Kamla tells Pakhi to go home as it's too late. Pakhi gets a call from Nettu and she
tells her that she is with Kamla and she have to leave Kamla and she will come there later. Pakhi looks for Raghav but can’t find him. She calls him but his phone is switched off. Pakhi plans on leaving alone. Kamla is shattered and completely break down in

Raghavs persuade Kalpana to please forgive him. He love her and will always love her. Kalpi shoves him away and tells him to excuse her, addressing him as sir that she realized that no poor lady can be part of a rich man’s house and there is no deal for her. Vitthal comes out in extreme resentment. He gets furious at Raghav for betraying his daughter's trust and loses his cool. He holds Raghav from his collar and asks how did he feel seeing the death of his daughter emotions and that today, he showed them their worth. Vitthal throws him in the temple and he beats him up. He asks him what did he get by breaking his daughter's heart and to tell him the deal he made for doing this to his daughter. Kamla tries to stop him but he warns her not to stop him today. He continuously to beats Raghav with wood.

Kalpana too tries to stop him but Vitthal is not listening to her. He asks what did he thinks that people from chowl don’t have and deserve any respect that he will come with his wife here and they will welcome him. He tells him if his father was alive today he would have told him what it feels like for a father when his kids get hurt. Kamla tries to stop him, Vitthal says everything has ended their respect. Vitthal again hits Raghava and says his daughter won’t be able to face the world and he will have to pay for this and decides to kill him, in spite of everybody trying to stop him. He raises the sword to kill him and hits Raghav with it.

Vitthal beats Raghav up that his daughter is not able to face the world and that even God won’t save him. He takes out a sword and is about to attack him but Kamla stops Vitthal's sword with her bare hands and this leads to a serious injury on her hands. Raghav opens his eyes. Vitthal asks what have she done. Kamla faints.

Pakiya brings the auto, Vitthal and Kalpana rush Kamla to the hospital. Kalpana says to Kamla that nothing will happen to her. They are so worried for Kamla. Raghav is roaming on the roads and remembers when he vowed
that he won’t marry Pakhi even if Kamla doesn’t permits her to marry Kalpana. He recalls Kalpana slapping him and throwing the engagement ring at him. He recalls how Vitthal had beaten him and he trips over a stone.
Nettu tells mummy ji to look at the things they have brought from Paris and that everyone will wear Paris’s stuff in Pahki’s reception and tells her that Raghav is their son in-law.

Mummy ji is pointing her to leave. Nettu tell her not to worry that things have settled now. The family that they destroyed, Pakhi is going to make that family again. Nettu tells Sahil not to worry. Sahil says he is worried for Gauri and asks where is she? Nettu says who cares now. Meanwhile, Pakhi goes back to her home where Neetu and Sahil are waiting for her arrival with Raghav. Nettu says her princess is here and asks where Raghav is? But Pakhi is alone and says he will come soo. Nettu tells her to go to her room that it's decorated and it's golden night of hers. Pakhi comes to Sahil to pray for her. Sahil says God bless her and asks if she is happy?

Pakhi replies that Raghav was her biggest dream and she is so happy. There is some problem at Kamla's home. Sammy was not
there and Kalpana was in a bridal dress. Nettu tells her to leave it and get ready.

Vitthal says to Kamla why she did this? Kamla replies that more than blood respect was important for her and it has been killed.
Their daughter’s dreams have been shattered and the rich people have demolished them. The blood will fall off their eyes. Kalpana
has brings bread and tea for Kamla. She suggests to cook something for her mother to eat. Meanwhile, Kamla goes to Kalpana. Kalpana asks why she came here that she can cook. Kamla asks if she is okay? Kalpana lie that she is fine. If someone made their joke, can they stop eating? If someone made them
upset, will they stop living? They can live without them and to forget all that happened. They will live like they used to do and
they will see the dreams once again. Vitthal goes out in tears.

Kamla tells Kalpana not to conceal so much pain and she can cry. She can shout for all that pain and that her mother is here for her
and so is her family. They are her strength and asks her not to be weak. People says when a mirror shatters it make noise but when
heart shatters no one can hear it and console her to let it come out and cry as much as she can. Kalpana refuses to cry and asks why
will she cry? She can’t let the pain of her heart come out and that her mother can hear it, when she slapped Raghav, she could hear
her heart breaking and she won’t cry at all. Suddenly she hugs Kamla and starts crying so bad and asks why Raghav did this to
her? She falls on the ground. Kamla tries to console her daughter when she sees her crying due to her broken marriage.

Kamla tells her daughter not to give up and she have to move on. This was the beginning and not the end. She can have the fistful sky and there are flowers with pricks too and that Raghav doesn’t know what he has lost. He will realize it but it’d be too late. Pakhi is in her room and is getting ready and is herself waiting for Raghav to arrive. She wonders why Kamla was looking upset? She is confused as to why Kamla did not speak properly to her. She
didn’t tell her what happened to Kalpana’s wedding. She tries to call Kamla to find out about Kalpana's marriage when her mother
comes and asks whom she is talking to? She replies that she is calling Kamla but her mother stops her and asks her to enjoy her
marriage with Raghav and not that Kamla. Pakhi says she is Kamla maa and she respect her with all her heart. She is the one who fed her and not her mother. When she will ask her with love then she will tell her everything. Nettu brought wine for them that she don’t take it but to give it to Raghav. Pakhi says she is right In a way and she should only think about Raghav and their coming life.

Kamla says to Kalpana that she want her to be strong like the mountains and no one can tear her apart. Life is not for giving up. They have to beat all the odds and she have to move forward and that she is their Kalpana. She want her to stand by her own. When she was drowning she didn’t save her because she wanted her to save herself and that she have those waves today and as her mother, she want her to fight with them. Kalpana agrees with her mother that she will rise again and that she is her daughter and she will move on. She used to live when Raghav was not in her life and she have her mother, brother and her father in her life, she want nothing else. She hugs Kamla. They are both in tears.

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