Update: Tuesday On Twist Of Fate (Episode 358-389)

Bulbul gets injured as Purabh pushes her and they both starts arguing. Pragya interferes and asks them as to why are they both fighting because of her. Pragya takes them to a room and tries to console them. She asks why they are fighting. However, Purabh refuses to listen to her and chides her by explaining them about troubles facing by Abhi because of Pragya. He says Abhi loves her very much, but she betrayed him and that Abhi never asked money from anyone, but she made him poor. Bulbul says she did more than he can’t imagined. She says she has sacrificed big for Abhi and says he don’t know the truth. Pragya tries to stop her. Bulbul says he wants to hear the truth and tells everything which is muted. A flashback is shown. She tells this is sacrifice and love. She explains to Purabh what Pragya's is to expose Aaliya, and she can’t without a proof as it was he who would be trapped. Purabh looks on shockingly. She also says that Pragya didn't let him know what the plan was because he was too close to Abhi.

Abhi wonders where Purabh is? A fan requests him for a selfie with her. Purabh apologizes to Pragya and says he is really proud of her. Pragya says she had to do all that to made everyone hate her. Bulbul gets angry. Purabh apologizes and asks what is the matter? Bulbul tells they have to expose Aaliya and tells that Aaliya came to sell Abhi’s scratch music. Purabh couldn’t believe this and assures his help and adds that he would want to become a part of their team. Bulbul and Pragya then spot Abhi in the same restaurant. Pragya gesture Purabh to take Abhi away from the restaurant so they can go ahead with their plan. Purabh agrees. Bulbul asks her to make her wear moustache. Purabh obliges. Purabh comes back to Abhi. Abhi keeps looking at Pragya without knowing it is her. Pragya signal purabh. Purabh asks Abhi to come to some other table and says bad smell is coming. Abhi says there is problem in his mind and asks to order food.

Aaliya comes to the restaurant and gets Tanu’s call. Tanu asks if she meet the producer and got the money. Aaliya says she entered just now. Tanu gives her stupid tips. Aaliya says she knows how to talk to others. Tanu gives her tips again and disconnects the call. Aaliya thinks she will call again and puts the phone on flight mode. Purabh tries to convince Abhi, but he doesn’t listen. Pragya asks Bulbul to do something. Bulbul throws something on Abhi. Abhi sees Ronnie staring him and thinks he might get him married to his sister. Bulbul throws the paper ball again. Abhi decides not to leave him. Purabh asks him to ignore them and says they will leave from here. Abhi agrees and sprays sauce on Ronnie before going.

Bulbul tells Pragya that Abhi left. Pragya asks Ronnie to be there and asks Bulbul to be aware of Aaliya. Bulbul says she will expose Aaliya and her idea will works. Purabh comes back and tells Pragya that he has a good plan. He tells what is the need of finding proof, and says he will bring Abhi to see Aaliya doing the deal of his scratch music. Pragya agrees and says she will message him when Aaliya comes. She thinks it is good. Daadi wonders what is happening there and thinks of what to do. She thinks she should wait for their phone call and then decides to call Pragya. Pragya tells Bulbul that Purabh shared a good plan with her, and told that he will bring Abhi to see Aaliya selling the scratch music. Bulbul says he has become smart because of her.

Daadi calls Pragya and asks if Aaliya reached. Pragya replies that she has not reach yet, and tells inform her that Abhi reached here. Daadi says Abhi should not see her, else Aaliya will go from there. Pragya says Abhi will see Aaliya selling the music. Daadi says Aaliya is very clever and can trapped her in this game. Pragya says God is with them and they will win.

Daadi calls Pragya and asks her about Aaliya, she warns her about Aaliya's cunning nature and asks her to be careful. Pragya tells her not to worry and Aaliya will be there in few minutes. Daadi then prays to god to help Pragya in completing her task successfully and to expose Aaliya right in front of Abhi. On the other hand, Bulbul gets worried as Aaliya has not come to meet her yet. Meanwhile, Purabh comes to Abhi and tells him that the manager has kicked out Ronnie as he had complained about him to the Manager. Abhi thanks him for taking the revenge, Purabh asks him to come back and have the dinner there only. Meanwhile Aaliya have entered in the restaurant where she was asked to arrive and exchange the CD for money, Purabh asked him who have told him to come to this restaurant while ordering the food, Abhi replied that it was Aaliya Suggestion and she has already told him.

Aaliya was meeting to the Producer(Bulbul), Aaliya asked for money and Bulbul shows her the cheque. Aaliya asks her for the cash, Producer denied and said that he will give only in cheque and she have to give scratch now to her. Abhi was looking at Aaliya and Purabh who want Abhi to see Aaliya making the deal and catch her red-handed tells him that he is looking like Akash. Aaliya sees him and suddenly took the cheque and hides. She throws the water on people sitting aside smartly and make them fight with Abhi. The producer tells that he needs the original CD now.

Aaliya tells him that the deal lies on trust, there are chances that the cheque was forged. Aaliya asks if this cheque is not authentic. The ladies which was sitting aside comes and blames them for throwing water on them. They started fighting while Aaliya tries to hide her face. Bulbul receives the CD and says to check it once. Aaliya tells she doesn't have much time. Abhi starts shouting and calls manager, then the manager comes and tells him that he is also standing on the chair.

Pragya was murmuring that Aaliya lost the grip on the main time if could be a perfect finish and Abhi can see them. Bulbul tells that she was the culprit and that is the reason she ran away. Pragya gives responsibility to Ronnie to release the music on a bigger level so that music will reach everyone and will be a hit. Pragya tells her not to worry and do not come home for few days, they decided to pretend like all the mistake was of Aaliya.

Tanu and Aaliya were at home, Tanu starts blaming Aaliya without knowing everything. Aaliya tells her that she was tensed and tells her that Abhi was there when she was making the deal. But she made a successful escape. Tanu said that how did Abhi reached this place, Tanu tells her that her mistake costs 10 crores, Aaliya shows her 10 crore rupees Demand Draft and tells that deal is done. Aaliya starts showing off her foolishness that she made a deal of 10 crores just for scratch music. Tanu tells that all problems have been solved. Aaliya tells she will place the copy of CD in the office and no one will ever doubt her. Aaliya tells the copy of CD was with someone and she will take it from him.

Daadi asks Pragya about the happening over there. Pragya explains everything, Pragya tells Daadi that their plan have been succeeded. Pragya gives her the details that Ronnie has given the work. Purabh informs Abhi about the release of Scratch by a fake company. Pragya blames Abhi that the song was stolen by Abhi and Aaliya to release the song without her permission. Pragya tells him that he will sue him in the court for releasing the song without permission.

Abhi thinks that it must be the work of anyone else. Abhi comes to Aaliya shouting in anger. Abhi asks Aaliya for the CD which he has given to her to keep it safe. Aaliya said the CD should be in office, Abhi tells her that the song is theft and uploaded on the internet. All were standing in a hall and Abhi informs that the CD is stolen, Abhi puts accountability on Aaliya to give the answer. Aaliya was not speaking perfectly speaking. Aaliya said that she has putten the CD for the song developers and tells that she is a responsible person. Aaliya starts doing emotional blackmail. Tanu interface and said that they will investigate, Pragya tells its impossible to do and tells that the CD contains the latest song of Abhi, and there was a profit portion of Pragya too. Pragya threatens that she will make the guilty one punish at any cost.

Pragya tells that whoever has leaked the music deserves a severe punishment. Pragya was shouting at Abhi and Aaliya that they couldn’t take care of a music CD and the theft of the Music CD and its upload on the internet have created a huge loss for her. She then points at Aaliya and demands to see the CD and asks her to come with her to the office in order to search for the CD, but Aaliya refuses to come and assures everyone that the CD is in her office only and she will show them when the employees will come. Abhi also agrees with Pragya and asked Aaliya to come to the office now as they are not going to meet the employees but to check what has happened to the music, Pragya asks Tanu to stay out of the matter, Aaliya tell that she is going to change her dress.

Abhi, tell Daadi to be sure that no one will make a call until he returns back. Ronnie took the phone from everyone on Daadi’s instructions. Aaliya starts searching for CD around the office and tells that the CD must be here only, but there was no CD, then Aaliya started blaming Pragya for making her forget the location of the CD. Abhi asks her to calm down and rethink about the music, Abhi says Pragya will suffer the loss if something happens. Aaliya tells them that the CD is in the house, Pragya replies that she is doing the drama. Abhi stops Pragya questioning Aaliya.

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