Update: Wednesday On Twist Of Fate (Episode 191-292)

Daadi asks Sarla to calm down. Sarla asks how can she. Purbi’s mom says she is more shocked than anyone else as she believed Suresh morethan anyone else and asks Purbi to not take tuition from Suresh. Daadi says it is good Suresh’s truth came out, Suresh is paying for rejecting Pragya.Abhi tries to hide under bed thinking Pragya will scold her. Pragya sees him and thinks he trying to find something and should help him. He also gets under bed.

He says cockroach. She asks where is it. He says he was just trying to hide from her. She asks why. He says he thought she would pull his leg for what he said downstairs. He gives her a book and asks to tell how many times A is printed in it. She says how can she say. He says just like that, he was lying downstairs. She asks what kind of comparison itis. He says it is his comparison. She says A is printed 26960 times. He starts counting and thensays he knows she is trying to being smart and asks if she is really smart, then she should fulfill her challenge of proposing him. She hesitantly tells a romantic poem.

He gets impressed and subconsciously comes near her. They both romantically look at each other. Serial’s title song….plays in the background.Abhi praises her and says it is unbelievable, she can be so romantic. She asks if she won the challenge. He says of course. She asks what is her gift then. He says he will change her name form chashmish to fuggi. She asks if he thinks she is swollen. He shows her childhood chubby pic.

She asks where did he get it from. He says he got it from internet. She says her childhood name is pinky and asks him to change his name to Abhi fuggi instead.Abhi continues teasingher.He gets a call and says he will reach soon. He calls Purab and asks him to reach designer’s boutique to select dresses. Purab asks him to bring Pragya as she is the best person to tell Bulbul’s choice. Abhi agrees and thinks how should he convince her. Purab also thinks to convince Bulbul now.

Abhi asks Pragya to get ready for shopping. She says she will not come. He asks her to call Purab and tell, he will win challenge. She asks what challenge. He says he challenged Purab that Pragya will come for marriage shopping andhe challenged she will not, so if she does not, he will win. She angrily gets into changing room.Tanu asks Mitali about Abhi. Mitali says she should forget Abhi. Tanu asks why. She says she does not see her future here. Tanu asks her to stop and tell where is Abhi.

Mitali says she went out with Pragya. Tanu asks where. Mitlai says she does not know, even daadi must not beknowing, she even heard Abhi calling producer and speaking about Pragya, looks like he will replace her with Pragya in every ads. Aaliya comes there and says Tanu that Pragya has come to his house due to destiny and when everyone has accepted her, she should also accept it and forget Abhi. Tanu gets annoyed and walks out from there.Abhi and Pragya fight in a boutique over a petty issue. Abhi calls her fuggi and she angrily starts fighting.

Bulbul and Purab get worried for them and plan to unite them. Produce meet them there. They both start fighting in front of him again. Purab and Bulbul interfere and stop their fight. Tanu who is spying on them think she will not let them unite again.Pragya goees to a changing room and changes her dress. She thinks Bulbul has come in and asks to close her zip, but it is Abhi who has come in by mistake. She is shocked to see him and asks him to go out. He says she has go out and they both start fighting. Abhi asks her to go out. She says her zip is open, so she cannot. He asks her to take Bulbul’s oath.

Pragya takes oathand says her zipis open. He tries to get out of trial room, but seespeople standing out and scolding for getting late.He gets back in.Suresh wakes up in the morning and tells Rachna because of him, Pragya’s family is insulted. Rachna says he does not have to be ashamed as he spoke out his heart. He says it was not the right place. She asks him to stop blaming himself and also not go back and try to confront.Tanu asks boutique manager to show her trial room CCTV footage. Producer hears that and asks if she is not ashamed to see someone changing dress.

She says it is none of his business. He yells at her and walks out.Pragya hides her back by standing near the wall.Abhi asks her to come and sit as her back is seen via a mirror. She sits. He says Bulbul sent her here and says it was her plan. Pragya asks her not to yell at her sister. People who were waiting to change dress knock door and ask to come out. Tanu suggests to call security and break door. Pragya gets tensed hearing that and asks Abhi to close her zip by closing his eyes.

He does same hesitantly.People shout to open door. Security comes and they ask to break door. Purab and Bulbul interfere and ask them to wait. Security tries to break door, but Abhi opens door before that and comes out with Pragya. People recognize Abhi and asks if he not ashamed to be with a woman inside and asks badmouths about Pragya. Abhi says Pragya is his wife and they should be ashamed to badmouth about his wife. Purab and Bulbul smile hearing Abhi.


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