Update: Thursday On Twist Of Fate (Episode 322-323)

Raj and Aaliya’s conversation. Aaliya tells Raj that we went to concert to spoil Abhi’s concert, but it turn out to be hit. She blames Pragya for it. Raj says it is good for us, the more he goes up, the more he will be hurt when he falls down. We will attack on his base. Aaliya asks what you are saying? Raj says you can get your love, but I will never get my respect and identify. He will be my enemy always and asks her to decide. Abhi asks Pragya, did she like the saree? Pragya says she liked it. Abhi asks did you like my performance, especially last one. Pragya asks when we will reach home? Abhi says never. Pragya asks him not to joke and say. Abhi shows her the way and says don’t know where it will take us. We have to go on this way to know the destination. Pragya says today I am unwell, we can go some other time. Abhi says I have decided to walk on this path with much difficulty, and now he can’t back off.

Nikhil asks Tanu, why did she fool him and sent him to Delhi. Tanu says she didn’t know that her parents will come there from Delhi. Nikhil tells her that he knows everyone came to know about her pregnancy. He asks her to tell Abhi about the baby’s truth. Aaliya hears them. He asks her to tell Abhi that the baby is his (Nikhil) and if he agrees to marry her even after knowing the truth, then he will go away from their life, and if she marries him without informing the truth then she has to face him. Aaliya is shocked. Tanu thinks to murder Nikhil.

Aaliya comes to room and calls her characterless. She says you are in love with my bhai and have a baby with someone else. She says you are carrying Nikhil’s baby. Aaliya says I will call him to get confirmation. Tanu stops her. Aaliya asks did you sleep with him? Tanu says yes I did, but I was not in my senses. It was a weak moment for me. Aaliya asks are you still not in your senses. She says she will inform Abhi. Tanu stops her and says Pragya will get Abhi then. Aaliya says Abhi is not her brother now, and it will be a punishment for him to give name to other’s baby. She says I know that you don’t love him and just want to get him. She says I won’t let your dream break, to ruin Abhishek Mehra. She says I know your secret, and warns her not to double cross her. She says I will help you to marry Abhi. Tanu says what about Nikhil? Aaliya says she will take care of Nikhil.

Abhi brings Pragya somewhere and asks her to bind cloth on her eyes. Pragya asks him not to joke and take her home. Abhi says he is not joking and take off her specs. He binds cloth on her eyes. Pragya asks what you are doing? Abhi jokes that he is going to kiss her. Pragya says you can’t take my advantage. He asks her to step out of the car. Pragya steps down and says her legs are paining. Abhi lifts her in his arms. Pragya thinks what is going on in his heart.

Abhi takes her somewhere. Pragya asks him to come back and is scared. Abhi asks her to promise that she will never leave him. He takes out the cloth from her eyes. Pragya sees the decoration and the artificial moon just for her. Abhi says he organise all this to make smile fixed on her face. He hugs her. Pragya thinks to stop her heart. She breaks the hug and asks why he is doing this? Abhi gets closer to her and asks her to say the first thing which is coming in her heart. Pragya is surprised.

Abhi asks Pragya, will you come with me, hold my hand and come. He says he loves her very much and his love is genuine. He says he has no confusion now and he is sure about his feelings. He says I love you. I love you very much. Pragya is emotional and cries. Abhi asks her to say that she will support him. Abhi says I will wait for your support, until I get it. I can’t stay without you now. 

Pragya and Abhi hugging each other after Pragya confesses to love him, while the song plays………..Kaisa Yeh Ishq Hai……..Abhi promises her that he will never leave her. They hug again and kiss each other happily on cheeks. Mitali brings food for Raj while he refuses to eat his favorite dish saying his choices have changed. Abhi rests in Pragya’s lap and tells that he wants to look at her all his life. He calls her fuggi. Pragya says you will call me by the same name even now. Abhi says he will think of a new name soon. Tanu calls Abhi and he didn’t pick her call. Pragya thinks she confessed to love him, even after knowing that Tanu is pregnant with his child. Abhi selects Razia name, as she agreed/Razi. She goes far and cries. Abhi asks why you are crying? He says I will call you Pragya only. Pragya asks do you love me? Abhi says yes..She asks how much? Abhi says it can’t be measured. Pragya asks him to marry Tanu if he loves her. Abhi says I told you that I love you, and you are asking me to go away from you. He refuses. Pragya asks him not to increase her pain and says she convinced Dadi for his and Tanu’s marriage. Abhi asks how can it be possible? What did you tell Dadi.

Pragya asks him to marry Tanu and says it is right. She asks him to think about the baby who needs a father’s name and love. Abhi says baby is important, and if love is not important. He says if he marries Tanu then he will not be able to keep her happy. Pragya says she is very happy knowing about his true feelings for her, and says she will be guilty if they have child, thinking she has snatched someone’s rights. She asks can you stay with the guilt. She tries to convince him and says we shall end our relation right here on his beautiful turn. We will be happy all our life then someone else is happy because of our decision. She asks him to promise to be happy always. A sad song plays……….Hamari Adhuri Kahani plays………………They hug each other and cries. Abhi says please Pragya. Pragya asks him to be silent and leaves.

They reach home. Abhi asks if this is needed. Pragya says yes, it is needed as you have to convince Dadi for marriage. They go to Dadi. Pragya says he came here, and I did whatever you said. Dasi tells Dadi that it seems Pragya has convinced him. Pragya tells that Abhi’s marriage with Tanu is their mutual decision. She says she has given her approval being his wife and wants Dadi’s approval now. Dadi says she wants to listen same thing from Abhi, and asks if he wants to marry Tanu. Abhi is silent. Dadi stumbles and says she will inform her decision tomorrow. She asks them to leave her alone. Once they leave, Dadi cries and says they love each other, but then also they want to be separated.

Pragya packs her stuff. Abhi asks her why she is packing her things as Dadi will decide tomorrow. Pragya gets emotional and says she don’t want to wait for anything after hearing Dadi’s judgement. Abhi tries to help her and they get closer. Pragya realizes and moves away. Her finger gets hurt, and Abhi sucks her injured finger. Pragya gets emotional and a sad song plays.

Abhi telling Pragya that he wants to rest on her lap for one last time. Pragya lets him rest on her lap and cries. In the morning, Abhi wakes up and finds himself sleeping on bed. He calls Pragya. He calls Robin then. Robin comes and tells that Pragya didn’t come even to make coffee. Abhi thinks she might have gone to Dadi. He goes to Dadi and asks if she has seen Pragya. Dadi says no, she didn’t see her in the morning. Abhi says Pragya might have left. Dadi says she is sure that Pragya can’t leave without hearing her decision.

Bulbul talks to Purab and scolds him. Purab says he is coming soon. Bulbul says she is going to Goa with her friends. She says she is going for vacation for sure. Purab says he will come in the morning and then they will go together. Bulbulasks what about jiju’s work. Purab says he will see. Abhi asks if anybody have seen Pragya? Pragya comes. Abhi asks where did you go Pragya? Atleast you would have waited for Dadi’s decision. Pragya says she went to bring someone who was related to Dadi’s decision. Abhi asks who? They see Tanu coming. She asks Dadi about her decision. Dadi says she can’t tell her decision and cries. Pragya says we can’t wait and this is the right moment for taking the decision. Dadi turns her face. Pragya tells her that truth will not change, and asks her to take a decision for Abhi’s betterment and home. She asks her to permit her to go from the house and then she will understand her decision. Dadi gets emotional and cries, and says I didn’t bring you for this. She asks her not to take her test. Pragya asks her not to increase her pain, and asks her to let her go if ever she loves him. She touches her feet.

Dadi hugs her and cries. Everyone looks on. Tanu looks on uninterested. Pragya meets everyone. She asks Rachna to take care. She gives consent papers to Abhi, saying she is having no objection with his marriage, and she don’t want anything from him. Abhi turns his face and refuses to sign. Pragya asks him to sign thinking about the baby, and for her. Abhi signs on the papers unwillingly. Tanu smiles. Kaisa Yeh Ishq Hai plays…………..Abhi gets tears in his eyes as well, when Pragya is leaving the house. He reminisces their marriage. Pragya also reminisces their marriage and walks out of house with teary eyes.

Pragya goes to Sarla’s house and thinks to makes an excuse, as she can’t shock them with truth now. Sarla sees her and gets happy. She asks where is Abhi? Pragya says she left him and says she is joking. Sarla asks her not to say that. Bulbul talks to her. Sarla says she will not send her if Abhi didn’t come. Pragya says she will stay there for 10 days and asks her to fulfill her promise. She asks her to make ginger tea and onion pakodas.

Tanu is in Abhi’s room and throws Pragya’s stuff in the cartoon. Abhi sits sadly, still lost in Pragya’s thoughts. Tanu sits beside Abhi, hugging him. She says I am very happy that Dadi agreed for our marriage. Abhi pushes her. Tanu gets up, sees Abhi and Pragya’s marriage photo frame and throws it. Abhi catches it and asks her not to dare touch it. Tanu says why? We are going to marry? Abhi says we are going to get married, but are not married yet. He asks her not to touch the photo and asks her to leave. Tanu thinks Abhi’s mood is off and thinks to leave. He looks at their marriage photo and cries. Hamari Adhuri Kahani plays………….Pragya too looks at the photo and cries. Abhi hugs the photo and cries.

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