Tips To Improve Your Relationship Right Now

Being part of a couple is hard, but the best relationship tips are really all about maintenance. You’ve got to keep things fresh, find time for each other, and come up with ways to navigate the tricky ups and downs every partnership faces. That all sounds a lot easier than it really is, so here are ways to make your relationship even better and better. 

We going to discuss how to deal with jealousy and how to get over a potentially deadly lull. So with this tips you can start implementing it right now.

1. Listen.
It might sound obvious, but when you really allow yourself to listen—and ask questions about—what your partner says, it not only leads to better conversations, but also better communication.

2. Take a few days apart.
Missing each other is a great way to reconnect. Try grabbing some girlfriends for an overnight or a weekend getaway every few months.

3. Find a support team.
Have a handful of great friends or family members you can call so your significant other doesn’t have to hear every small grievance going on your life.

4. Put away your phones.
One of the biggest relationship tips is to give your undivided attention when your partner is speaking. It’s is one of the most important things you can do.

5. Volunteer together.
Giving back is a great way to keep perspective of how great your relationship is, and how lucky you both are.

6. Create a checklist.
Jot down new and fun things you want to accomplish for a day as a duo.

7. Talk to couples over 65 years old. 
Get relationship tips from them, and see what you can take away to apply to your relationship.

8. Stop and appreciate all that your relationship is this very second.
Stop living for what it can be.  This person is choosing to be in your life every day, not every day in the future.

9. Revisit the questions you asked in the beginning.
What are you hoping to accomplish in the next year? What are you scared of? These answers change, so we need to keep asking these questions.

10. Find 10 things you really love about them and tell them. 
Guys need confidence boosters, too!

11. Stop nagging. 
Seriously, stop. Take a step back and figure out the big things about your partner that truly bother you, and approach them from a place of concern and support instead of nitpicking for sport. That’ll get you nowhere.

12. Get over needing to be right.  
Learning to say “I was wrong” is a skill worth learning.

13. Take care of yourself. 
No relationship can be successful if you don’t feel good about yourself, both inside and out.

14. Know what you need and then ask for it.
You’re dating a human, not a magical psychic.

15. Take a class.
It’s proven that couples who learn together connect deeper. Find some common ground (cooking? art? science?) and go from there.

16. Write notes.
Whether you have study hall together or live together, handwritten notes are personal touches in today’s highly digital world.  

17. Pitch in.
Help each other with chores and other necessary, if banal, activities — cooking, cleaning, re-organizing, etc. Not doing them if you live together can create tension, andalways doing them can create unfair expectations. Act as team of equals.

18. Disconnect.
Step away from the laptop during quality time. Everything on the Internet will still be there later.

19. Allow things to be what they are.
Sometimes bad days and bad moods happen. Don’t go crazy trying to make everything better. Just be supportive and loving, because just being there at the end of a bad day can make it better for both of you.

20. Create mini-traditions.
Creating small rituals can really help hold up a couple because they become “your thing.” Whether it’s a fancy night out during the holiday season, or watching a certain show every week, these are things that’ll give you both something to look forward to, and it’ll bring you closer together.

21. Be an open book.
They can either deal with it or they can’t, but if you can’t be your most honest self with this person, it’ll come out eventually.

22. Compliment, and often.
You’re there to make each other feel like your best selves, so let the genuine praise flow freely. Like his outfit? Tell him! Like her hair today? Let her know!

23. Make promises that you really can keep.
Say things that you want to follow through with out loud. It’ll make you work harder to make them happen. Having—and setting—levels of reasonable expectations for your relationship is a healthy way to keep it strong.

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