Update: Tuesday On Twist Of Fate (Episode 549-551)

Tanu badmouthing about Pragya and her character. She says a well wisher sent this video to the family members. Tai ji accuses Pragya to spending night with a stranger and calling her characterless. Purab says it is a lie. This video is a morphed. Tanu says Pragya has accepted to love Champak, took care of him, made him have food with her hand and then called him to room. Pragya asks her to stop it and says she didn’t call him to room. Tanu says this is the proof that this video is true. She asks Akash to connect this video to TV and asks if he is pragya’s param bhakt like Purab. Akash refuses.

Tanu asks Mitali to connect the video. Everyone see the video on TV. Pragya thinks what has happened? Dadi asks them to stop the drama. Tanu says until when we will bear. She is showering love on someone else and not her husband and says we shall throw her out. Taya ji says we are here to take a decision. Tanu asks when you will take a decision and asks Champak to say. Champak says whatever is shown is truth. Purab holds his collar and asks how did you trap my di.

Champak says our love is not hidden from anyone, and now nobody can stop us. Tanu says did you hear what he told. She says if you people are quiet then everything will be ruined. She says this is the time to take action. Pragya asks her to shut up. Tanu says I will take this proof to Court and will prove that you are having illegitimate relation with him.

Pragya says I didn’t know him. Purab searches for something and tells Akash that this is Dadi’s brahmastra. Tanu asks Pragya to prove her innocence nd asks where is Purab. Purab comes and says I am here. Tanu asks Purab not to start his nonsense again and says you are a big fool to believe her. She says you need a proof to prove her innocence which you don’t have. She asks Pragya to ask Purab to get some proof as sanjeevani. She says your sins proof are infront of us, and asks Pragya to get out before Abhi kicks her out.

Purab asks if you are done, and says everyone will laugh on this video which is a joke. He says I have real picture with no special effects. Abhi asks what you have? Purab says I will not tell, but will show you. He says I knew that champak came with wrong intentions and that’s why I did some preparations. He plays the video on TV. Pragya is seen beating Champak. Tanu says Purab is a way ahead of us. Purab says Champak had spiked her drink and then took that video. Tanu says I have real video. Purab says really and asks Abhi to take a decision.

Abhi says I didn’t tell anything, as I never trusted on Tanu. He says I asked Champak to stay at home, and says Pragya tried to make me jealous, but she can’t do this. He says I need an answer from Champak. Tanu looks on lost. Abhi slaps Champak and asks how dare you to molest my wife. He says what did you think that you will give him drugs and will take advantage. He says Pragya is my wife and can’t do anything. Purab says there is some mastermind behind champak. Abhi says yes. Tanu says Pragya said that she is having affair with Champak in the party and says may be Pragya asked him to give her drugs. Abhi asks her to stop it and says he needs to hear truth from Pragya.

Pragya says I accept that I agreed to have affair with Champak as my heart is broken. I accepted it being angry. He says when you doubted on me, I got angry and said that. She says I tried talking to you, but you didn’t listen to me. She says I want to make you feel what is extra marital affair. She says no wife shall do this with her husband and apologizes to him cryingly. Dadi tells Abhi that pragya has accepted her mistake, but haven’t confess her love. She says you both are jealous to see each other with others.

Abhi apologizes to pragya and says I should have trusted you that day. He apologizes. Mitali thinks their love story have started and their love is real. Dadi gets emotional. Abhi asks Tanu, did you get your answer now. He says Purab supported Pragya as he knew that she is innocent. 

Abhi beating Champak. Tanu and Nikhil get scared. Champak says I am not a lecturer, but an actor. He says he is not having any relation with Pragya and has done this for money. Purab says there is someone behind him who is using him and brought him here. Abhi asks who are them? Purab says who was claiming that Pragya is having an affair with Champak and says they are Tanu and Nikhil. He asks Abhi to question Tanu and Nikhil, why did they blame Pragya and on what basis? Abhi asks why you both are quiet now, and says you both told that you saw Pragya with Champak. Tanu says I saw them in joggers’ park.

Dadi says Pragya never met him. Pragya thinks she saw Champak before somewhere. Champak says I met Pragya in park as salesman and the pic was clicked. Purab says Nikhil clicked those pics. Nikhil says I didn’t say that and says he had hired detective to take pics. He acts innocent and says he wants to help his friend. Abhi asks Champak, who has hired him to malign Pragya’s reputation, and beats him. He asks Purab to call commissioner. Nikhil scares Champak and signs that he will kill him. Champak pushes him and escapes. Nikhil runs behind Champak and asks him to hit on his head when everyone come out. Pragya asks Abhi if he is fine. Abhi says yes. They come out. Champak hits Nikhil. Tanu falls down and screams in pain. They take her to hospital.

Pragya asks Nurse about Tanu. Nurse says she will be fine. Abhi asks why didn’t you tell me. Pragya says can’t you figure out when I refused to divorce you. Abhi says okay. Pragya says I got angry when you believed on Tanu and agreed to have an affair with him. They argue. Saiyyara plays……………Abhi says your way was wrong and asks her to apologize. Pragya looks at him. Purab and Akash are waiting for Nikhil. Nikhil comes out after getting the bandage, and thanks them for waiting. Purab tells Nikhil that he can’t fool them and knows that he has acted. Purab says God has seen you acting and will punish you. Nikhil laughs and says I didn’t leave any proof. He says Tanu has fallen at the right time, and Abhi’s mind will be diverted. Now nobody can harm me.

Pragya meets the doctor and she turns out to be her close friend. Doctor thanks Pragya and Sarla for getting him married to her husband. She says you have become a celebrity after marrying a rockstar. Pragya says it is not like that. Doctor asks Pragya what is her relation with Tanu. Pragya tells her that Tanu is claiming that her baby is of Abhi, but actually it is of Nikhil. Doctor asks why didn’t you tell Abhi when you knows the truth. Pragya says Tanu lied and convinced me that the baby is of Abhi but later I came to know about the truth.

Abhi asks Nurse about Pragya. Nurse says she went to Dr. Sheela’s cabin. Abhi calls her sister. Nurse says I am your big fan and asks him not to call her sister. Abhi calls her sweetheart. Doctor tells Pragya that it is simple to expose Tanu through DNA test. She says I will take blood sample of Tanu. Pragya thanks her and says she wants to put her career in danger. Doctor Sheela says she will be happy to help her. Pragya says you came as an angel. Abhi comes there and asks Pragya why she is thanking Doctor. Pragya says as she has taken care of Tanu. She thanks Abhi for bringing coffee and says it is cold. Abhi says it got cold while searching you. Pragya says lets have coffee with snacks. Abhi agrees.

Doctor tells Nurse that they will do some test. Nurse says it is done to find out about genetic disorders. Doctor says husband asked me to take the sample as he don’t want his baby to have any genetic illness. Abhi is about to go to Tanu. Pragya thinks Sheela is taking sample of Tanu and stops him. Abhi says you are jealous. Pragya says you are also jealous naa seeing me with Champak. Abhi says I will go and see Tanu. Pragya shouts and feigns that something fell in her ears. Abhi says he will check. Pragya says she will show her eye to Doctor only. Doctor comes out and says she is fine. Abhi says can I take her home. Doctor says yes. Pragya is happy.

Pragya telling Tanu that you tried to make me fall down in my husband’s eyes, but end up falling herself. She says this is the punishment when one gets, when she tries to snatch someone’s husband. She asks her to count down back ward numbers. Mitali comes and asks Tanu to have pure halwa made by her. Tai ji asks her to keep it and leave. Tanu thinks may be Pragya is planning to expose me and throw me out of house. She thinks may be Pragya is manipulating Abhi or doing something. She thinks she shouldn’t think much. Abhi calls Purab and says Nikhil is coming here since many days. He says whenever Champak came here, Nikhil also came. He says he came here on the pretext of something. He says he has enquired about Pragya’s boyfriend and even took their pics as if it is a matter of nation security. Purab thinks Abhi is going on right direction. Abhi asks him to find out what is going in Nikhil’s mind and asks him to find out about his motive. Purab agrees and thinks even Abhi is doubting you now. He thinks Nikhil can’t be saved from Jai and Veeru now.

Champak meets Nikhil in darkness and asks where are you? Nikhil asks have you gone blind? He gives him money and asks him to pack his bags and leave. Champak says I have a show here. Nikhil asks him to forget about the show and says Abhi will beat you. Champak says okay, I will go to Allahabad today. Nikhil says good. He says nobody could doubt me now, because of getting hit by you. He laughs. Pragya comes to Doctor Sheela’s house and meets her daughter Pari. Sheela introduces Pari to Pragya and says she is rockstar wife. Pari insists to go and watch concert. Pragya promises her. She tells Sheela that DNA report is very important for her. Sheela says I can understand. Pragya asks if test is done. Sheela says she needs blood, hair or nail sample of Abhi and Nikhil. Pragya agrees to bring it by next week. Sheela says report will come in 2-3 days, and says this is important step against Tanu. Sheela says you should shock Tanu and Nikhil so that they could never come out.

Tanu comes to meet Nikhil. Nikhil asks her not to worry. Tanu says your plans are flopped and Pragya has not only ruined your plans, but also your nose. Nikhil asks her not to take tension and says he will make another plan. Tanu says when you will get a successful plan, when baby is born. Nikhil says I am getting angry now and asks her to leave. Tanu says I will go, and asks him to make plan fast. Nikhil thinks Champak and Tanu are spoiling his brain. Abhi thinks Dadi says good things happens with good thoughts. He plays the guitar and sings a song. Pragya hears the song closing her eyes. Abhi thinks I shall teach her a lesson and plays fast pace music on music system. Pragya says you have spoiled my mood. Abhi says I was singing just. Pragya asks for Tanu? Abhi says no, and says he was singing song for someone, and says he missed her and she came. Pragya understands and says you can’t lie. Abhi thinks why my tongue slips infront of her and says I love her a lot.

Purab tells Pragya that he has a good news for her. He says Abhi is doubting on Nikhil. Pragya says it is good, and now he will believe us if we show the proofs. Purab says our plan will become easy now. Pragya says they didn’t know that they are trapped. Purab asks do you know what is the plan? Pragya says an angel came to my life to solve everything. She says Dr. Sheela gave her idea of DNA test. She says she needs sample of Abhi and Nikhil. Purab says he will get it. Pragya says once I get the report, I will show their character certificate to everyone. Purab thinks this is a solid proof and Tanu will get mad now. He collides with her. Tanu asks I am pregnant and asks him to see and walk. Purab says he is happy today. Tanu asks if Bulbul call came from heaven. Purab says may be. Pragya asks him not to trouble Tanu and says we all should sleep. Tanu thinks what Purab wanted to say. 

Pragya telling Purab that they shouldn’t let Tanu or Nikhil know anything about their plan. Purab says he was very excited and apologizes to her. She asks him to be careful. Tanu asks what you both are talking. Pragya says I asked him to be careful as he collided with you. Tanu gets suspicious and thinks they didn’t leave any proof and Champak is sent far, then why they are happy. Abhi tells Pragya that he has a doubt on Nikhil and says he was here when Champak came to party and all the incidents. Pragya says you should clear your doubt. Abhi says he will keep Nikhil coming to the house and that’s why he will sign the contract after adding a clause. Pragya agrees and thinks Tanu and Nikhil are trapped.

Nikhil comes home and tells Tanu that Abhi called and said that he wants to sign on the contract. Tanu says contract is having flaws and says I am not getting good feeling about this contract. Nikhil says whenever something happens for my advantage, you feel like this. Purab comes and acts as angry with Nikhil for trapping Abhi to sign the contract. Nikhil asks Tanu if she is still doubtful. Nikhil goes inside and tells Abhi that he wants to celebrate for the contract and his birthday too. Abhi and Purab talk to each other. Purb asks him to keep party. Abhi agrees and says I will not leave him if he does anything to Pragya.

Pragya asks Dadi to convince Abhi to get insurance of his voice. Dadi says she is right. Abhi asks them not to force him. Pragya says I am boss and is always right. Abhi agrees and asks Pragya to come with him. Pragya says why I will go? Dadi says you will be at loss if Insurance doesn’t happen. She asks Abhi to give test and asks Pragya to give lolly pop to Abhi after his blood test. Abhi asks her to come. They leave. Tanu asks Dadi, where did Abhi go? Dadi says he went with Pragya to buy birthday gift for Pragya. Purab comes to Nikhil’s house and taunts him. Nikhil says I would have come. 

Purab says there are some changes for their birthday party, and says Abhi wants to keep your birthday at his house. He gives invitation card to him. Nikhil says Abhi is the best and hugs Purab. Purab starts searching something. Nikhil asks what is he searching? Purab says he was chewing chewing gum and says it has fallen somewhere. He asks him to turn and says it is stuck to his hairs. Nikhil gets tensed and checks his hairs. Purab says chewing gum is not leaving hairs and says he shall cut it. He asks for scissor. Nikhil gives it. Purab cuts his hairs and takes the sample in a cover. He asks Nikhil to get ready for Party.

Pragya brings Abhi to the hospital. Dr. Sheela is about to take his blood sample. Abhi is afraid and says he wants his wife to be with him. Dr. Sheela gives strength to Pragya and asks her not to worry. Pragya asks Abhi not to worry. Dr. Sheela takes the blood sample and says it is done. Dr. Sheela’s daughter comes and sees rockstar afraid. She says Rockstar is afraid of needle. Abhi runs after her. Dr. Sheela says Abhi loves you very much and is happy for them. Purab calls Pragya and says he is coming there with Nikhil’s hair strand. Dr. Sheela says great and says now I will prove that Tanu’s baby is of Nikhil and not of Abhi.

Aaliya comes back to Mumbai and thinks she missed Mumbai and wonders if anyone missed her. Tanu thinks what Abhi is planning and why is he throwing party for Nikhil. She misses Aaliya. Aaliya calls her and says I am in Mumbai. Tanu gets happy and says may be God has sent you to help me. Aaliya asks her not to tell that. Tanu says she is feeling as if she will land up in some problem. She says Nikhil made Abhi signed on some contract having so many flaws and says it seems it is Pragya’s plan. Aaliya asks what I will get? Tanu says revenge. Aaliya asks her to grow up and says she doesn’t need her help. Tanu cuts the call and wonders what to do?

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