Update: Wednesday On Twist Of Fate (Episode 552-554)

Pragya seeing Abhi playing with Pari. She wishes she shall have a baby with Abhi, and thinks he likes kids. Abhi asks what is she thinking and asks are you thinking about having baby with me. Pragya gets shy. She thinks let the matters get resolved first. Sarla and Dadi meet outside the gurudwara. Dadi tells Sarla that she came to do ardaas for Pragya. Sarla says she came for the same. Dadi invites her for birthday party of Nikhil. Sarla is surprised and asks if something is going to happen. Dadi asks her to come and see. She leaves. In the party, Abhi sees Pragya coming downstairs and smiles looking at her. Purab sees Nikhil coming and says bakra came to get sacrificed. Abhi introduces Nikhil to his friends. They say that Abhi seems to be impressed with him. Purab and Abhi go on a side, and he says that he hired a detective to spy on Champak and know about their relation. Nikhil and Tanu talk to each other. Tanu says she has a feeling that they are making him bakra. Nikhil dismisses her thoughts, and asks her to give a kiss. Tanu gets angry and holds his hand. Abhi sees them together and gets doubtful.

Pragya calls Dr. Sheela and asks about the DNA report. Sheela says it is confirmed in the report that baby is not of Abhi. Pragya gets happy. Sheela asks her to come and take the reports. Nikhil asks Pragya to enjoy his birthday. Pragya says I will bring your gift first then I will enjoy the most. Nikhil thinks surprisingly Tanu is not giving him gift and Pragya is going to get it. Pragya collides with Mitali and apologizes, says she has to go somewhere urgently. Mitali thinks if she is missing something. Tanu asks Pragya where is she going? Pragya asks her to ask her boyfriend instead as he knows why I am going?

Purab thanks the guests for coming to the party. He wishes Happy birthday to Nikhil and says Abhi has signed a contract with him. Nikhil comes on stage. Abhi gives him bouquet. Tanu thinks why they are giving importance to Nikhil, and thinks they will make him fall down. Sarla and Janki come there. Dadi greets them. Sarla asks where is Pragya? Dadi says she will come.

Pragya comes to Dr. Sheela and thanks her for the report. She says a woman can only help a woman, says her happiness is with Abhi. Dr. Sheela gives the DNA report of Tanu and Abhi and says Nikhil’s hair sample was ruined because of chewing gum, and that’s why they couldn’t do the test. Pragya thanks her and asks driver to take her home. She thinks to call Purab and inform him. She tells she is coming home. Purab says we have done this. Pragya says she will come home. Dadi says we will celebrate his birthday every year and is happy. Bunty and Babli insist to have icecream. Raj asks them to have food and says if you don’t listen to them then you will be punished. Nikhil asks Dadi to bless him. Dadi says what to say? Everything is in God’s hands and says a person shouldn’t keep the wishes. Nikhil looks on angry.

Purab requests all the couples to come and dance on stage. Nikhil asks a girl to dance with him. Everyone dance on the son Rang De Toh Mohe Gerua…..Pragya comes home and shows the DNA report. Dadi says you have won the war. Purab checks the DNA report and says it is a solid proof. Dadi says you have proved that you are his wife. Purab says once Abhi sees this file, then he will boycott Tanu. Abhi comes and asks what they are talking about. Purab asks what you are doing here? Abhi asks Pragya, may I dance with you. Saiyyara Re plays…………………….She smiles.

Abhi and Pragya dancing on the song Bolna…Dadi smiles looking at them. Abhi asks Pragya, why she is smiling? Pragya asks him to say if he came to know anything about Nikhil. Abhi says something strange happened and tells her that he saw Tanu and Nikhil talking holding hands. He says Tanu will not plan against me, but can plan against you. Sarla gets Beeji’s call and says she is in Pragya’s home and will come. She tells Dadi that Beeji is waiting and asks her to tell Pragya that she left. Tanu looks irked. Dadi asks Tanu if she is burning. She says Abhi and Pragya are looking good while dancing and seems like made for each other. Tanu says sun and moon are made for each other, but can’t see each other, and if they face each other then eclipse happens. She says even if you make Abhi and Pragya dance together, but Abhi will be mine as I am pregnant with his baby. Dadi says ice has to melt and become water again. She says you are jumping high because of this baby, and may be you have to cry also because of baby also. Pragya tells Dadi that Pragya is going to end, but drama will start now. She asks Dadi for her blessings. Dadi blesses her. Pragya announces that she wants to tell something and says may be few persons will not be happy knowing this.

Nikhil thinks may be Tanu’s fear is true. Tanu also thinks the same and asks Pragya to tell tomorrow as everyone is tired now. Pragya asks why she is scared and says everything will be changed. She says you thought that you have written my destiny, but now everything will be changed. Abhi asks Purab, what she is saying? Purab asks him to hear her. Pragya says you people will ask me why I didn’t tell this before. She says I wasn’t having proof before. She says Tanu is the person, who came in this house as guest, but started dreaming to become bahu to get all the wealth. Tanu asks her to stop the nonsense and says this is all done by you. Pragya says my intention is good. I have suffered taunts from you, and even bear my mum’s insult. She says you people was taking care of Tanu as you think that her baby will be Mehra’s heir. She says although Tanu is married, but the baby doesn’t belong to Abhi. Abhi is shocked.

Tanu says she is lying. She is jealous of me and Abhi. She says you are ruining Abhi’s name by telling that this baby is not his. Pragya says she want everyone to know the truth and says she is lying. Pragya asks her to tell that she has no interest in Abhi and have only interest in his wealth. She says her modeling career is finished so she wants to get money through this baby. Tanu asks Abhi to tell that this baby is his and asks Pragya why she is doing this. Abhi asks Pragya why she is doing this, and says he knows that this baby is his. Pragya says she makes you feel guilty every day, and says I understand as I came in her talks. She says when I came to know about her truth, I had returned to stop the marriage, but couldn’t tell you as I know that you believe me. Abhi says I can’t believe even now. He says this is a big thing. Tanu asks Abhi to ask Pragya if she has proof to prove her point. She shows the file of DNA test.

Pragya says this DNA report proves that the baby is not of Abhi. Tanu is shocked. Abhi asks what is this DNA report? Pragya says this baby is not yours. I can’t see you feeling guilty and asks him to believe her. He says but Tanu…Pragya asks him to see the proof once. Abhi checks the report. Everyone checks it. Abhi asks Tanu to tell the truth. Tanu acts innocent and says I don’t know what she wants to prove. She says she wants to end the reason because of which we will be marrying. She says she pushed me from the stairs, when she couldn’t succeed then have done this. She says Pragya is lying. Tanu asks him to stop blackmailing him with baby’s name. She says this baby is not Abhi’s responsibility. She says you know well that this baby is not his and asks her to accept her lie infront of everyone. Tanu asks her to stop it. Pragya says baby is with you, but Abhi is with truth. She asks her to apologize to Abhi..

Pragya apologizes to him for not telling the truth before. She says I couldn’t tell you before as I don’t have the report before. She asks him not to feel guilty. Abhi asks from where did she get the blood samples. Tanu says she didn’t give any sample. Pragya says your sample was taken when you was unconscious in the hospital, and Abhi gave his blood sample when I took him to hospital on the pretext of insurance. Tanu says she has lied to you. Pragya says I lied for his betterment and asks her to accept her lie. Tanu is shocked and tensed. Pragya says you are caught now with the proofs. She says we have decided that whoever wins will stay in the house, and whoever loses have to leave the house. 

Pragya reminding Tanu of their condition and says whoever is lost will have to leave. Nikhil asks Tanu to speak up else his birthday will become his death day. Pragya says you have made fun of kumkum and mangalsutra and says this is the power of her marriage. She says I have won and you have lost. Tanu speaks up and says Abhi will speak on her behalf. She asks Abhi to tell that this baby is of him. Abhi says what should I tell. He says Pragya has proofs with her. Tanu says I have left my parents, career and everything for you and you are saying this. Tanu acts to faint. Nikhil acts to get concerned and says someone please bring water. He says he don’t want anything bad to happen on his birthday. Pragya asks Tanu to get up and stop acting to faint. Tanu gets up.

Pragya asks her to accept her truth. Tanu says Abhi knows that I never lies to him. Pragya says you are lying and says Abhi can’t think that you will betray him badly. Tanu says this report is a lie and says you are a big betrayal and have betrayed him. Pragya asks her to prove that this baby is of Abhi. Tanu says yes, I have proof and asks Pragya to wait. She says once I get proofs. Tanu comes to her room and gets some paper. She thinks I will slap this proof on her face. Nikhil hopes that Tanu brings a solid proof. Purab thinks nothing can come inbetween Abhi and Pragya now. Tanu comes back. Pragya asks if you were packing your bags and says I will pack your bags when you leave from here. It is my responsibility to send you back. Tanu smiles and asks Pragya to pack her bags. She says I have real report and it is written clearly that my baby is yours.

Nikhil thinks Tanu is a man of match. Pragya says this report is fake. Tanu asks about Pragya’s report. Pragya says Dr. Sheela made this report. Tanu says my report is made by the same doctor and by the same sample. She says Pragya got the fake report made and tried to call our baby as illegitimate, and tried to break our relation. She shows fake report to Abhi, saying it is original. Abhi checks it. Pragya also checks and says this is fake and she has done fraud. Someone is hearing their conversation. Pragya says you came to know about my plan and that’s why made fake report. Tanu says you have made fake report. Pragya says you just loves his property and not him. Tanu says you are scared that you have to give share to my baby and that’s why did this. They argue. Dadi asks them to stop it and says Dr. Sheela can tell only. Tanu says I will go and bring Doctor. Dadi says you will not go. Abhi says yes, she is right. Pragya says I will go. Tanu says no, and says you will also not go. Abhi asks Purab to call that doctor. Pragya thinks you can’t be saved now.

Purab comes to Dr. Sheela’s house and tells about Tanu having report of her hospital. Dr. Sheela says I will expose Tanu and goes inside to get her purse. Nikhil thinks Dr. Sheela can turn the tables, and thinks he shall leave from there. Akash stops him. Nikhil says this matter is a family affair and I shouldn’t be a part of it. Abhi asks Nikhil to wait for some more time. Nikhil thinks it seems now I have to drown with this boat. Tanu thinks coward Nikhil is running away. Purab and Dr. Sheela are on the way. Purab thanks Dr. Sheela. Dr. Sheela says it is completely my pleasure, and says Pragya has helped her in toughest time. She says Pragya should get her right today itself. Purab thanks her. Abhi thinks about Pragya’s words. Bolna Mahi Bolna song plays as he looks at Pragya. Pragya also looks at him emotionally. 
Purab bringing Dr. Sheela to Mehra house. She checks the reports. Abhi asks which is original and which is fake. Dr. Sheela says Pragya’s report is true and Tanu’s report is fake. Nikhil thinks I should leave from here, else Abhi will kill me. Purab stops Nikhil and says not today, until Tanu takes your name. Pragya thanks Dr. Sheela for supporting the truth. She tells Abhi that now Doctor has confirmed. She says Dr. Sheela is her old friend, but they were out of touch. Dr. Sheela tells that Pragya told me everything and I assured her that I will help her to bring Tanu’s lie. Everyone hears carefully. Mitali thinks what will happen to Tanu now. Dadi asks Tanu why did she betray Abhi and everyone, and calls her shameless. She asks her why she is sticking someone’s sin on Abhi’s face. Tanu tries to speak. Dadi says if you try to prove your point on sitting burning pan then also I will not believe you. She says this baby is of someone’s sin, and you made Abhi feel guilty. She says Abhi has ruined his married life for you. He loves Pragya and agreed to leave her. You have fooled and betrayed him. She says you tried to get name for your illegitimate baby.

Pragya thinks Abhi will be broken now. Tanu asks Abhi to believe her, and says this baby is ours. Abhi asks what about the report. He says blood sample can’t be wrong. He says I had relation with you even after marriage, but you have betrayed me. Tanu maintains that she has never betrayed him. Abhi says you know that I am emotional about this baby and that’s why took advantage of my guilt. He says now we have no relation and asks her to get out. Tanu asks Abhi to believe her and says she is lying, and says where I will go? Abhi says now you will not tell anything. I will get more angry if you keep on lying. He folds his hand and asks her to go. He says I don’t want to punish you, but will punish myself as I have sacrificed my life for you. He says you are my life’s biggest mistake, and now I will rectify it. He asks her to get out. Tanu asks Dr. Sheela, why she is ruining her life and asks her to tell truth that her DNA report is truth. She asks her to think about her child and tell the truth.

Dr. Sheela gets worried and says I can’t lie anymore. She says I can’t play with a life. She apologizes to Pragya and says I can’t support you in this, as this is a matter of a child. She apologizes to everyone and says whatever I said was a lie….Everyone is shocked. Dr. Sheela says Tanu’s report is truth and says this baby is of Abhi. Pragya gets shocked and asks Dr. Sheela why she is lying. Dr. Sheela says I can’t repay your favors with someone life. Nikhil gets happy and smiles. Tanu smirks. Dr. Sheela says as a doctor, I certify that Tanu’s baby is of Abhi. She says Pragya’s report is fake. Abhi says this is a matter of someone’s life.

Dr. Sheela says I know how it feels when a child is far away from a mum. Tanu tells Abhi that Pragya is a liar. She says Pragya and her cunning face is right infront of everyone. She says this baby is of Abhi’s blood. She asks Pragya, why did you do this? She tells Dr. Sheela, why did she do this? If she didn’t want to help her then why did she do this. Dr. Sheela apologizes. Tanu says Pragya is a liar and money pujaran. She says Pragya don’t want to give share to my son and that’s why she is doing this. She says this baby is our love child, and until he is with us, nobody can separate us. She acts and says I am tired to fight with you. Nikhil speaks up and says I was leaving, but Abhi stopped me. He tells Pragya that she should feel shame, for torturing a pregnant lady, and for trying to separate Abhi and Tanu. Abhi goes angrily.

Abhi thinks whom to believe and gets tensed. Nikhil asks Tanu, how did she get the wound? Tanu says file fell down on her. Tanu says Pragya can’t show her face to anyone. Pragya comes there and says one day Abhi will know that this baby is of Nikhil and not his. Tanu asks her not to spoil her mood and says I was doubtful when you let Abhi signed the contract. She says I kept eye on you, and followed you. I saw you going to the hospital. A fb is shown, Tanu gives money to Nurse and comes to know about her plan. She says I made my plan and answered you. She says how can you prove that Nikhil’s baby is of Abhi, and until when. Tanu says until I get what I wants. Nikhil threatens Pragya and asks her to start packing her bags. He says bad will happen with you. Tanu asks her to take her specs. Nikhil says only one thing will be here, and says our love child.

Tanu asks Pragya to go, and says Abhi said that DNA report can’t be fake. Nikhil says it is proved now that my child is of Abhi, and laugh shamelessly. Tanu says my child will get all Abhi’s wealth now. Nikhil says it is time to celebrate and asks Pragya to go, else her half blood will burn now, as half blood is already burnt down. Pragya thinks how I will prove Tanu’s truth now and gets sad. She comes back to room and sees Abhi sad. She thinks may be Abhi understands me.

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