57–Year-Old Groom Abandons Bride On Wedding Day In Edo State

57-year-old man simply identified as Valentine fled the Oredo Local government council marriage registry as he was about to take a vow with his new bride in Edo State.

According to available reports, Mr Valentine who was already married to another woman for over 17 years and a mother of four of his children took to his heels when his wife appeared in court before taking his marriage vows.

It was later gathered that the groom, having failed to take charge of his family’s responsibilities had secretly planned to marry a new wife believed to have hypnotized him.

Reacting to the incident, the wife whose name was not mentioned in print said, “I had to do this because I’m convinced my husband must have been bewitched by the lady because since the rumour started making the rounds, he has stopped taking care of his four children. Each time he is confronted to provide money for our upkeep, he often complained of not having money,” she explained


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