REVEALED: The Real Reason UK Prime Minister David Cameron Called It Quits

Before Friday’s shock Brexit referendum result, UK Prime Minister David Cameron dismissed any suggestion he would resign — but once the Leave vote came through he called it quits within hours.

Mr Cameron chose to end his six years at Downing St rather than begin the mammoth task of untangling the UK from the EU. He promised he would be gone by the Conservative Party conference in October.

Many speculated he would have to go because a Leave vote would have trashed his authority, but details have emerged Mr Cameron made the dramatic decision because he didn’t want to have to do the hard work in divorcing his country from the EU, only to have his replacement then step in and take control.

The Sun reported a teary-eyed PM told his inner-circle: “Why should I do all the hard s**t for someone else, just to hand it over to them on a plate?”
He made the extraordinary statement to his advisers, with wife Samantha present, before he spoke to the country about his decision to quit.

According to The Sun, the staff — many who had been with him since he became Conservative leader 11 years ago and followed him to Downing St — were in tears but were happy their boss had at least gone out “with dignity”.

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