13-Year-Old Forced To Repeatedly Have Sex With Her Father After Tracking Him Down On Facebook

A 13-year-old school girl was repeatedly having sex with her 41-year-old long-lost father after she tracked him down through Facebook..

She became aware of who he was through friends and Facebook postings and found out that he was living in South Yorkshire.

 According to Mailonline, After meeting her father for the first time, the teenager was invited to stay longer and her mother eventually allowed her to live with him. But the man then went on to have sex with her ‘on regular basis’ over a six month period. Initially she slept on the sofa but when her father split up with his girlfriend he ‘turned his attention’ to his daughter.

The father rubbed her back before kissing her and the next day he said she could sleep in his bed and he would sleep on the sofa.

But during the night he crept into the bed and started having sex with his own daughter, the court heard.

Prosecutor Mr Capstick said

: ‘She did not resist because he was her dad. She said : “I had only just met him so I went along with it”.’She said she felt like hitting out but couldn’t as he was her father. It happened again over a six-month period. He would have sex with her on a regular basis, every other day.’
He encouraged the girl to drink alcohol before having sex with her. She eventually left the house and stopped living there.

The man admitted one offence of sexually assaulting his daughter and 14 offences of sexual activity with her when she was 13.

Alison Dorrell, defending, said he now accepted having a regular sexual relationship with his daughter and knew it was wrong.

‘Eventually he brought the activity to an end,’ ‘He is very sorry and deeply regrets it and wishes he couldt turn the clock back. He feels sick when he thinks about it.’
Judge Simon Lawler jailed the man for six years..He told him:

‘Over a period of six months you grossly abused your position of trust. She was 13 and you were 41 and you took advantage of her.

‘When interviewed the girl said she let you do it because you were her father. She did not want to lose what she felt she had gained and she felt he had played with her emotions.

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