Spite has greatly increased amongst people today, resulting in the severing of relations and in people holding grudges against each other. 

Having pure hearts that are free from spite is a bounty and a blessing from Allah which He grants to the dwellers of Paradise upon their entry into it. Allah Says (what means):“And We will remove whatever is in their chests of resentment (i.e. ill will or ill feelings towards one another), [so they will be] brothers, on thrones facing each other.” [Quran 15: 47]

In addition to a pure heart being a blessing and a bounty from Allah, it is also a source of comfort. This is why Islam puts great emphasis on purification of the heart from spite, so that people can live together in peace and harmony.

Undoubtedly, this quality is a praiseworthy one indeed; Allah praised the Ansaar (i.e. the residents of Madeenah) for possessing such a quality saying (which means): “They [i.e. the Ansaar] find not any [ill] feelings in their chests [i.e. hearts] of what they were given [i.e. the Muhaahireen-emigrants from Makkah] but give [them] preference over themselves, even though they are in privation.” [Quran 59: 9]

When Allah favored the Muhaajireen with certain things, the Ansaar did not feel any objection to this, nor did they harbor any ill feelings or envy towards their brothers in faith for being distinguished with these favors. Instead, they favored them over their own selves with whatever they had, even if they themselves were in need of what they offered.

The following great story reflects the rank of possessing a pure heart that is free from spite, and that it is a blessing from Allah. Anas Ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated: “We were sitting with the Prophet Muhammad SAW once when he said: “A man from the dwellers of Paradise will walk in now” so a man from the Ansaar (i.e. residents of Madeenah) walked in whose beard was dripping from the effect of ablution and who held his slippers with his left hand. The next day the Prophet may peace of Allah be upon him said the same thing, and the same man walked in. On the third day, the Prophet said the same thing, and the same man once again walked in. When the Prophet left the gathering, ‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Amr followed that man and said to him: "I had a misunderstanding with my father and swore not to stay in his house three nights, so if you permit me I would like to spend these three nights with you". The man said: 'Yes, I permit you”.

Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, added: “‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Amr told us that he spent three nights and did not notice that the man prayed the optional night prayers during any of these nights, but if he woke up during the night, he would simply mention Allah. Nonetheless, I never heard him utter except good things, so when the three nights finished, I almost belittled his deeds (as they were insignificant) and I said to him: `O slave of Allah! There was not dispute between me and my father or anger, but I heard the Prophet saying thrice:“A man from the dwellers of Paradise will walk in now”and you walked in all three times, so I wanted to sleep in your place to see what you do in order to imitate you, but I did not see that you exert extra effort in performing any extra deeds. How did you reach such status to deserve what the Prophet said about you?` He replied: `My deeds are nothing more than what you saw` Then when I left, he called me back in and said: `My deeds are nothing more than what you saw, but the only thing I do is that I do not hold any grudge against any Muslim or envy anyone for what bounties Allah has granted them`; thereupon ‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, said to him: “This difficult quality to obtain is what granted you this rank”. [Ahmad]. This pure hearted man was Sa'ad Bin Abi Waqqaas. I HAVE FORGIVEN ANYONE OF YOU THAT OFFENDED ME MY DEAR FRIENDS AND I ASK OF EVERYONE'S FORGIVENESS PLEASE.

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