I Felt Like A Failure For Not Winning 2013 Miss Nigeria Pageant - Linda Ikeji

Blogger Linda Ikeji shares a touching story on Instagram on how she never gave up and made it. Read after the cut...

This is me participating at the 2003 Miss Nigeria pageant. I desperately wanted to win because I believed I could use the platform to achieve my other dreams..but I didn't even make Top 10 & I remember thinking it was the end of everything I had planned for my future. I felt like a failure for weeks following the pageant. I was mostly in a daze, wondering what to do next. I thought being Miss Nigeria was the best thing that could happen to me. If only I knew that God had better plans for me. Because you see, if I had won that pageant, I never would have - 3 years later - thought of starting a gossip blog. I probably would have thought it was beneath me as a former queen...lol. You see, sometimes, some of the most amazing blessings happen when things don't turn out the way we hoped it would. We think its the end when its just a bend leading us through the right path. You have to trust that God knows what He's doing in your life. Trust Him and trust your journey. All the best!

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