Facts! Natural Bis3xual Tendencies In Girls

Girls could be very physical and intimate in the manner they express their friendship among themselves, without any sexual notion. They even get territorial, keep side best friends, have third wheel dramas and best friends forever drams without any initial sexual motive. 

When you listen to how passionately they love each other, how they always shout out to each other and say things like "i love you boo" and "my love" "my sweet"; if you also witness how they brutally fight or beef each over the kinds of things that only couples fight about, you begin to wonder, is best friends forever (bff) a sexual relationship?  But it's so cute anyways.

For many reasons; modern societies have made understanding with how easily ladies throw out caution to display bisexual tendencies publicly as they frolic each other. This understanding could not be extended to guys most probably because male babies weren't always kissed on the lips or cheeks by everyone who lifts them. The society is also selectively homophobic because bisexual or  gays guys dare not display half of the tendencies that even straight girls display among each other. Afterall, most bisexual girls criticize gay guys.

The society is fastly exposed with freer laws, social media and other technologies, it is easier for our generation of girls want to romantically tender to another girl. For example; In Lagos, Nigeria, 4 out of 10 females between the ages of 11 to 45 have kissed another female.

Also 5 out of 10 directly knows someone that has kissed a fellow female. Then 8 out of 10 directly knows someone who has kissed a female. These numbers are predicted to double in 50 years.


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