Update: Monday On Young Dreams (Episode 229-231)

Rachna qualifies, Gunjan wants to go to the office to find out about leaving college after first semester/term. Rajeev tells her instead of running away she should face her problems and find solutions for it. He says everyone has problems including him and that’s why he doesn’t want her to make this mistake.When Gunjan asks him what mistake, he is silent then just tells her not today, some other day and walks away. At home Rachna is telling everyone about the race and explains what’s next in the competition. 

Shayl tells her first thing in the morning they’re going to see a doctor but Rachna refuses saying she’s fine and she needs to practice for the hurdle race which is in 2 days time. Mayank comes back from his first day at his job and answersSeema’s and Dayal’s questions about his job. Charu tells him she has planned a surprise for her and to go freshen up. Upon entering the room, he sees candles all over and rose petals on the bed. Charu comes in starts singing and lighting the candles then tries to seduce him. As she hugs him, he is thinking about Gunjan. He then stops Charu and says that he’s tired and he’ll freshen up, eat and go to sleep. Charu asks him why he keeps pushing her away and what is wrong in her?Mayank tells her there’s nothing wrong with her, but she insists there is and wants to know what it is. She tells him that she keeps trying to get close to him but he keeps pushing her away. Mayank tells her he’s tired and he needs time to give her the answers to all her questions. She asks him how much time does he need and whatdoes he need to think about? She’s not some 2 year old child that when you give a toffee will just keep quiet. She says that she’s still at the place where she was on their first night as a married couple. Mayank tells her to try and understand that he himself don’t know what he should or should not do. Rachna wakes up as her foot is hurting. Gunjan too wakes up and sees her. She scolds her that her foot is swollen then helps her to sit on the bed. She then proceeds to put pain reliver spray and bandage the foot. 

While doing this she tells Rachna she don’t understand why Rachna is so insistent on taking part in the competition when her foot is like that. She says health comes first and if anything serious happen to her foot then what. She tells Rachna she’s crazy and says that first thing in the morning they’re going to see a doctorand if the doctor says to rest she’s going to rest…competition/FOTY or not nothing is more important than her health. Rachna tells Gunjan, is it? and what about your health? During practice, who was it who fainted? So you also should have left the competition then, why must I leave? so that it’ll be easier for you to win this competition, right? Rachna tells gunjan she should also take rest and she is doing this to make things easier for her. Gunjan tells her to get a life and she will withdraw. Rachna tells its a war to be the best the most superior so she should not back out.. Gunjan says even she will do her best to win but they wont tell anyone at home. Rachna thinks she will show her what she is made of while gunjan thinks she will give rachna tough competition so she gains confidence as rachna will do her best. Rachna praying that she will give prasad if her leg gets better. Shayl sees rachna s swollen leg and is sure her leg is paining. Rachna convinces her mom she will go to the doctor in evening. Gunjan comes down and says rachna is obsessed with FOTY. Shayl is hesitant and tells to take the competition lightly mayank says what s the use me being a sportsperson. He wishes both of them luck charu drops tea on mayank. Shayl blesses both girls but Rachna tells her only one will win so she needs to chose. 

Shayl says the best will win.Rajeev remembers his conversation with Gunjanand checks his purse he s looking at someone s picture and gunjan walls by. He looks at her. Some girls are scarcartic and tell her because ofher some other deserving girl is out and if gunjanwas in her place it was a different story. Rajeev tells final race is tomorrow and its about planning and strategy. Rachna is lost in the other girls thoughts rajeev sees her swollen leg and tells her to take rest as she can run properly tomorrow.Rachna is crying vihaan comes and offers her a hankie , rachna says she can win irrespective me what everyone, gunjan and Vihaan think. He tells he saw her fighting spirit and she can actually win. Rachna says she knows what he feels about her. Vihaan says what he had done was revenge as that is his style as the sisters played a prank on him and tells her to start afresh. He tells her should be her mentor as he was the best FOTY . He tells her she needs to decide fast and gets up and goes. Rachna lost inher thoughts and then agrees. Vihaan tells her totrust him for one last time rachna tells him she has everything but not innocence which his betrayl took away. Vihaan gives her a tip for tomorrow to wear shoes with grip like gunjan wears. Rachna looks at gunjan s shoes and agrees!

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